Advice Burnout/Being Overwhelmed


I've been referred to a specialist team for an autism diagnosis (it was one of those things that popped up every now and then but unfortunately was never pursued. Types of issues included not talking until age 4, difficulties with social interaction and reading body language, being overwhelmed by social situations and crowds, meltdowns,etc.) Because I have bipolar, anxiety etc it was assumed these issues were related to that.

Unfortunately, the waitlist is going to take a long time and part of the reason I went to the GP is that I think I have autistic burnout? Everything is overhwhelming, noises are like electricity, I can't handle social interaction, and my anxiety/ocd is out of control to name a few things. Basically, I'm in a limbo where I haven't had an official diagnosis yet but I'm struggling to have normality. I've been trying to push myself through things like I do with depression (i.e.make myself go to a busy shop) but that's just making me shut down more. I've reached out to a support group but it's possible that I will have to wait for the official diagnosis.

All of this is overwhelming and I just want answers so I can start to cope. If this is autistic burnout, what do I do to start being functional again? Is there any advice or tips people would recommend?

Thank you for your time, I really appreciate it.

  • My burnout was at its worst around Christmas but I am still going through it

    Every time I think its improving I try to do more stuff, eg going back to work and then it just gets worse again

    not sure what to do

  • I tried every type of variation I could imagine to try and break it.  I only accepted work that interested me.  I only worked in places that interested me......and when I say work, it was paid hobby really - could barely manage 2-3 days per week.  I tried every motivational and spiritual enlightenment Youtube going and read LOTS.  I changed what I ate.  I changed my routine (AKA tried to impose one.)  I changed my sleep.  I changed my alcohol soothing dosages.  I changed who I saw.  I changed music.  I changed a room of my home to a sensory dead box (didn't know why I was doing it at the time!)  7 years, and counting!

    Accordingly, as you can imagine - I'm not sure what you should do either ! - but if you've survived this long since Christmas, then however long it takes to finally crack it for you - I reckon you got this.

    Time is probably the key, and that's unfortunate because it is lonely, boring and dangerously expensive if you can't earn the money we all need.  No one should take their own sanity for granted either - especially during a burnout.

  • I tried every type of variation I could imagine to try and break it.  I only accepted work that interested me.  I only worked in places that interested me......and when I say work, it was paid hobby really - could barely manage 2-3 days per week.  I tried every motivational and spiritual enlightenment Youtube going and read LOTS.  I changed what I ate.  I changed my routine (AKA tried to impose one.)  I changed my sleep.  I changed my alcohol soothing dosages.  I changed who I saw.  I changed music.  I changed a room of my home to a sensory dead box (didn't know why I was doing it at the time!)  7 years, and counting!

    Accordingly, as you can imagine - I'm not sure what you should do either ! - but if you've survived this long since Christmas, then however long it takes to finally crack it for you - I reckon you got this.

    Time is probably the key, and that's unfortunate because it is lonely, boring and dangerously expensive if you can't earn the money we all need.  No one should take their own sanity for granted either - especially during a burnout.

  • Thank you, thata a really comforting thing to hear. I feel my burnout has caused me to find some new coping stratagies for life and do things in a way that actually helps me rather than just trying to please everyone else all the time which helps. very very early days though

    im glad your burnout appears to be over. I know things are still tough though and they are continuing to be. You sound like you have clearer understanding of yourself though and if you can get through several years of that i think you can face anything. You are stronger than you realise

    Also what is an ASD rosetta stone?

  • Are you still going through your burnout?

    Good question - for which I have no definitive answer.  I've only very recently discovered my ASD Rosetta Stone (stubbed my toe on it whilst stumbling around in the dark.)  So far, I have deciphered it to the extent that the entirety of my past enigmatic 50+ years of life, thoughts, behaviours and beliefs now make absolute sense to me - whereas before, it had just seemed to be an inexplicable clusterf**k of randomness.

    This has been a revelation and has kicked me into a different gear, but it doesn't magically sweep away my current prosaic challenges - most of which I have amassed and then allowed to fester into multi-headed hydras - during my prolonged period of void.  Neither the years of burnout, nor the ASD revelation, have eased some of my more onerous traits that continue to severely impact key areas of my functionality today.

    I am keen to avoid conflating my ASD (and burnout) into some sort of "catch-all" excuse for the problems that now lay before me.  My traits will persist regardless.  ASD is a fact that explains things about me, not an excuse that forgives the chaos that can result from it.  Whilst this does not appear to be a popular standpoint on this forum, I am very content to find myself aligned with Temple Grandin on such matters.

    On balance, I think the burnout has finished, but I also think that other "real world challenges" are only just beginning for me.  Hopefully, I am ready.

    ....but to end on a positive note for you Billy, I can say this.  My burnout was truly horrid and I don't wish it upon anyone, but I am in no doubt that my mind is now bigger, calmer and stronger than ever before as a result of it.  Yours will be too.

    Keep pushing through !

  • Thank you for such a lovely supportive message, it is such a comfort to be around people who understand me in this community. What you said about me having this after surviving so long really helped, i needed to hear that

    The money situation is a worry, and i struggle with how people treat you if you dont have a job

    im not sure what you mean by spiritual enlightenment but i find my faith really helps me in times like this. my special interests and favourite music really helps too

    Are you still going through your burnout?