Advice Burnout/Being Overwhelmed


I've been referred to a specialist team for an autism diagnosis (it was one of those things that popped up every now and then but unfortunately was never pursued. Types of issues included not talking until age 4, difficulties with social interaction and reading body language, being overwhelmed by social situations and crowds, meltdowns,etc.) Because I have bipolar, anxiety etc it was assumed these issues were related to that.

Unfortunately, the waitlist is going to take a long time and part of the reason I went to the GP is that I think I have autistic burnout? Everything is overhwhelming, noises are like electricity, I can't handle social interaction, and my anxiety/ocd is out of control to name a few things. Basically, I'm in a limbo where I haven't had an official diagnosis yet but I'm struggling to have normality. I've been trying to push myself through things like I do with depression (i.e.make myself go to a busy shop) but that's just making me shut down more. I've reached out to a support group but it's possible that I will have to wait for the official diagnosis.

All of this is overwhelming and I just want answers so I can start to cope. If this is autistic burnout, what do I do to start being functional again? Is there any advice or tips people would recommend?

Thank you for your time, I really appreciate it.

  • Autistic burnout is something that many autistic people report experiencing at least once during their lives. Increased sensory overwhelm and more frequent meltdowns are common indicators. It manifests as a sort of regression, whereby you can no longer do things that you have been able to previously. It may result in complete exhaustion and shutdown.

    The best definition I have found online "“a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic life stress and a mismatch of expectations and abilities without adequate supports. It is characterized by pervasive, long-term (typically 3+ months) exhaustion, loss of function, and reduced tolerance to stimulus.”

    I have been through it before, although I did not recognise what it was at the time, and have been going through another period of burnout recently. I can definitely identify when you say that noises are like electricity, my hyper sensitivity to noise has been so acute in recent months.

    When this happens I experience an overwhelming need to withdraw and retreat from the world. I believe that withdrawal and reducing sensory input as much as possible is the best way to recover. How much you are able to do that will depend upon the practicalities of what is going on in life and any responsibilities you have for caring for others. How long it takes will be very individual and could be months or even years. 

    Even if you do eventually get an official diagnosis, autistic burnout is something that isn't currently recognised by doctors. It is more likely to be misdiagnosed as depression. If it is autistic burnout then pushing yourself further to do things is likely to worsen the burnout and delay recovery.

  • Mine has been going on for 9 months now

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