Advice Burnout/Being Overwhelmed


I've been referred to a specialist team for an autism diagnosis (it was one of those things that popped up every now and then but unfortunately was never pursued. Types of issues included not talking until age 4, difficulties with social interaction and reading body language, being overwhelmed by social situations and crowds, meltdowns,etc.) Because I have bipolar, anxiety etc it was assumed these issues were related to that.

Unfortunately, the waitlist is going to take a long time and part of the reason I went to the GP is that I think I have autistic burnout? Everything is overhwhelming, noises are like electricity, I can't handle social interaction, and my anxiety/ocd is out of control to name a few things. Basically, I'm in a limbo where I haven't had an official diagnosis yet but I'm struggling to have normality. I've been trying to push myself through things like I do with depression (i.e.make myself go to a busy shop) but that's just making me shut down more. I've reached out to a support group but it's possible that I will have to wait for the official diagnosis.

All of this is overwhelming and I just want answers so I can start to cope. If this is autistic burnout, what do I do to start being functional again? Is there any advice or tips people would recommend?

Thank you for your time, I really appreciate it.

  • I have been waiting for a diagnoses for over 2 years and suffered a massive burnout in 2020. My dad dies of Covid early in lockdown and I just could not cope with that plus getting my mum into a care home and deal with Covid. thankfully I was on furlough but for 3 months my life was nothing. That was April/May 20, it has probably taken until the last few months for me to get back to 'normal'. It took a long time to get any confidence back, to have resiliance for when things go wrong. I have talked to my GP but that is it apart from family support. I think the important part is to no beat your self up, take your time and ask for help.

  • I’m so sorry you’ve been through all that. Yes - building some resilience - that’s what me and my son need to do. At the moment we feel like we have zero reserves of any strength whatsoever. Shattered, anxious, frightened of the world. We also had a terrible 2 years - involving serious physical illness as well as mental illness. I don’t want to give up though - I want to get back some of what we had - the ability to enjoy life and not feel so anxious ALL the time (just SOME of the time would be better than this!). 
    My son has OCD and depression and has had such a tough time - had to drop out of college as the social anxiety and his Selective Mutism made it unbearable. We are like two wounded soldiers trying to recover from a war - but with no doctors or nurses to help us. Just trying to heal ourselves. Thankfully my husband is great and he’s keeping us going to be honest! So grateful to him - he’s wonderful and does all he can to help. 

  • I’m so sorry you’ve been through all that. Yes - building some resilience - that’s what me and my son need to do. At the moment we feel like we have zero reserves of any strength whatsoever. Shattered, anxious, frightened of the world. We also had a terrible 2 years - involving serious physical illness as well as mental illness. I don’t want to give up though - I want to get back some of what we had - the ability to enjoy life and not feel so anxious ALL the time (just SOME of the time would be better than this!). 
    My son has OCD and depression and has had such a tough time - had to drop out of college as the social anxiety and his Selective Mutism made it unbearable. We are like two wounded soldiers trying to recover from a war - but with no doctors or nurses to help us. Just trying to heal ourselves. Thankfully my husband is great and he’s keeping us going to be honest! So grateful to him - he’s wonderful and does all he can to help. 

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