Advice Burnout/Being Overwhelmed


I've been referred to a specialist team for an autism diagnosis (it was one of those things that popped up every now and then but unfortunately was never pursued. Types of issues included not talking until age 4, difficulties with social interaction and reading body language, being overwhelmed by social situations and crowds, meltdowns,etc.) Because I have bipolar, anxiety etc it was assumed these issues were related to that.

Unfortunately, the waitlist is going to take a long time and part of the reason I went to the GP is that I think I have autistic burnout? Everything is overhwhelming, noises are like electricity, I can't handle social interaction, and my anxiety/ocd is out of control to name a few things. Basically, I'm in a limbo where I haven't had an official diagnosis yet but I'm struggling to have normality. I've been trying to push myself through things like I do with depression (i.e.make myself go to a busy shop) but that's just making me shut down more. I've reached out to a support group but it's possible that I will have to wait for the official diagnosis.

All of this is overwhelming and I just want answers so I can start to cope. If this is autistic burnout, what do I do to start being functional again? Is there any advice or tips people would recommend?

Thank you for your time, I really appreciate it.

  • If you are autistic, then you are autistic.  Any impending diagnosis won't change that.

    If you are having a breakdown or a burnout, any impending diagnosis won't change that either.

    Accordingly, don't get too focused on needing to know a diagnosis before you can address these things.

    You haven't stopped functioning by the sounds of things - and I would recommend that you don't fully, if you can avoid it.

    But I also agree with the words of caution from Autonomistic 

    If it is autistic burnout then pushing yourself further to do things is likely to worsen the burnout and delay recovery.

    So, my advice to you is;

    If you can, be kind to yourself whilst you grapple with the fact that you are not functioning properly (for whatever reason).......but also set yourself some goals each day that are going to be achievable so that you maintain the habit of "getting some stuff" done each day.  Setting your own achievable goals - and then hitting them - should help mitigate your frustration and the potential self-loathing that can grow inside us when we are frustrated by our own inability to function properly.

    Take it steady, stay sane and keep some planned activities happening whilst you recharge.

    Good luck.

  • This is good advice :) 

  • Thank you.  I found myself with   p l e n t y   of   e m p t y   time to contemplate my own disastrous mega-burnout.  It was a period of de facto "executive function brain death" and I wasn't sure I was ever going to get back to the functionality that I had enjoyed beforehand - I'm still not sure it will.  I hope my experience can help people - I don't wish it on anybody - its absolutely horrible.

  • Thank you.  I found myself with   p l e n t y   of   e m p t y   time to contemplate my own disastrous mega-burnout.  It was a period of de facto "executive function brain death" and I wasn't sure I was ever going to get back to the functionality that I had enjoyed beforehand - I'm still not sure it will.  I hope my experience can help people - I don't wish it on anybody - its absolutely horrible.

  • I empathise. Both myself and my son are really struggling with this at the moment. Just about getting through the day - and it’s an achievement just doing that. It’s a bit of a nightmare and there’s so little help and support available from anywhere. I just want us to get back to the point where we can enjoy life again - just the simplest things. It’s such incredibly heavy going at the moment.  I’m sorry you’ve experienced this too.