Dating and romantic relationships

Hello everyone,

I wanted to put my thoughts here. I'm 35 years old and I had hoped to be married with children by now. I'm a virgin as well.

I've struggled to date and have relationships with girls/women.  I'm better socially but can still misunderstand and be misunderstood. In my experience, the problem with having a small social circle is you tend to think you have a special bond with one person, and think there'll be no-one else like them out there in the world. When they say they are not interested in dating you, it can hurt.

Is Flame Introductions a dating agency for autistic people?  Thanks for any advice.

  • The problem is that the bulk of the population have non-verbal ways of signalling, and interpreting the signals of others, concerning sexual/romantic interest. They do this entirely subconsciously, autistics are not able to do this, or at least not reliably. I remedied this deficiency, once I had worked out that the problem was in me and not the entire female population, by researching facial expression, gesture and body language, As a scientific researcher by profession this was fairly easy for me in the distant past with access to university libraries, but now there is lots of information easily accessible online. I replaced subconscious instinct with intellectual knowledge, but could now interpret signs of interest in women and signal back my own. I have been married for 25 years and have two children.

  • Thank you. It's a process I have to work at. 

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