Job applications

Hi, I'm interested to hear of people's experiences when applying for jobs.

Did you disclose at the outset that you were on the spectrum? If so, do you think this helped or hindered the process?

I realise some employers are more open to employing from a neuro-diverse pool than others, I would just like to get a sense of whether it is a good idea to disclose or not.

Thanks in advance

(and if anyone knows of any online articles on this topic, I'd be very grateful if you could post a link).

  • Hiya,

    I'm assuming that you are applying for a job?

    I didn't mention it on my application, i prepared and scripted my interview so they wouldn't know. after about 5 days, i let them know about the autism, i said i didn't expect any adjustments, i just wanted them to know so they were aware.

    i think it depends on how your autism affects you. if you loudly stim, then you should probably mention it on the application because they will want to know and will find out pretty soon anyway so might be best that they get a warning. they legally can't discriminate however we are all aware that many employers still discriminate anyway.

    Alisha xx

  • I never succeeded with a job interview. The jobs I had were either;

    1. Placement Year at Uni.

    2. Civil Service jobs; which required no Interview.

    3. Voluntary Work.

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