
Just wondering who here is willing to say if they see a therapist/counsellor and if so, how long have they been doing so for? And how long are they likely to continue doing so? Something that was just said to me made me wonder am I being pathetic in being more than a year in to weekly sessions and feeling like several more months  at least feel needed.

  • I used it when I had what I thought was a breakdown after a breveament in 2017. Turns out it was more a lengthy meltdown, shutdown and a response to big life changes.

    It did help, it stopped me when I was suicidal. But I think in the US it's more normalised to just go as part of your annual routine, so doing a bunch of sessions and then stopping is only helpful to a point. That might be helpful if you are NT.

    The ND community suffer throughout life living in a world built for the majority, so the issues just keep comin! too should the therapy

  • I used it when I had what I thought was a breakdown after a breveament in 2017. Turns out it was more a lengthy meltdown, shutdown and a response to big life changes.

    It did help, it stopped me when I was suicidal. But I think in the US it's more normalised to just go as part of your annual routine, so doing a bunch of sessions and then stopping is only helpful to a point. That might be helpful if you are NT.

    The ND community suffer throughout life living in a world built for the majority, so the issues just keep comin! too should the therapy
