
Those with sensory issues surrounding sound, do you also have very good hearing? Sound is a huge problem for me regarding distraction. I just came out into the garden for a smoke and they’re having a party a few doors down which was winding me up, but I was trying really hard to ignore that and kept trying to make myself carry on with my online search of something (not very successfully). But while all this was going on I noticed this annoying noise on the fence next to me, not particularly loud, and I was struggling to work out what it was. I tried pushing the fence to see if it was the breeze, moved the plant to see if that was brushing against the fence, nope. What it was, was a wasp, collecting wood from the fence for its nest I presume. In the past I’ve also heard a wood louse giving birth in my outhouse when it was quiet and hunted down the noise. And probably a little louder, but the bubbles inside a can of opened Coke drive me mad too. 

Parents Reply Children
  • I do genuinely believe I’m annoying, but people also annoy me eventually. I don’t want people in my life but at the same time I feel lonely. I guess the issue is they don’t get it, they don’t see how you can think differently, in the same way I struggle to understand synesthesia, though admittedly I find that fascinating more than annoying. 

  • I clearly annoy everyone

    It isn't true, they just telll us it is, and they gaslight us until we believe it

    the truth is:

    it starts with different Theory of Mind for allistic and autistic, and it's causing Double Empathy Problem

    the truth is:

    they prefer to interpret it like that because it's convenient for them , and they do not care about our mental health

    you should start watching that series of videos with your kid www.youtube.com/watch

  • Pretty sure the burnout is already happening which was the start of going down the getting diagnosed route. Which is affecting my work, I’m self employed, as well as the economic crisis atm affecting income I have no energy to try and tackle it. She’s an adult so works and helps with the bills. I think I just annoy her anyway and she gets sick of me getting upset or annoyed by things (I mean I clearly annoy everyone else through my life so why not her too). She doesn’t say it so much but I can just tell by the eye rolls and sighs. Almost positive she is adhd too, as it looks I am so that probably doesn’t help. I also can’t relax at home anyway because of the noise from my neighbours. Just kind of sick of everything. I see so many people on here seeing autism as a positive thing, it doesn’t feel like that for me at all and has hugely affected my life. 

  • small steps, one at a time

    so. why is it such a big deal for your daughter? it causes you serious distress.

    if you get hit by burnout who is going to provide for her? ask her

    if you can't relax and recharge at home, it's inevitable

  • Not my Coke, my daughters, I don’t like fizzy drinks. Tbh there are so many noises that annoy me it wouldn’t make a huge impact if I could manage to stop that one. And she’d only moan if I asked her to buy bottles instead.