Moving houses

Hello everyone, 

My name is Emily and I’m really struggling with moving houses. I’m 21 years old and I still live with my parents and as of yesterday they bought a new house. This was just sprung on me out of nowhere and now they are trying to sell my childhood home that I have lived in since I was born. I really want to be happy for them but deep down I’m really not, I really struggle with change and letting go of things and I really don’t know how to cope and let go (even though I don’t want to). Everyone keeps telling me it’s going to be fine and that’s it’s a new adventure but to me it feels like the world crashing down on me and that advice only makes me stress more.

My life feels like it’s flipped upside down… I just recently got a new job that I’ve been extremely stressed about and now with the stress of moving I’m really having a tough time. Does anyone have any similar experiences? or ways of coping with this? it would be really helpful to hear.

thank you in advance! 

  • It's tough, but after moving house maybe 14/15 times now, I have developed a solution to your problem.

    It's all about familiarity.

    You are familiar with your surroundings, routines, and they bring you comfort. This is about to change.

    So, the solution, is to be proactive in developing new routines, places of familiarity, and therefore a new set of comforting spaces for yourself.

    The only way to do this is move, with a bold spirit, in the knowledge that it's going to be new for a month or so, but the more you repeat these new routines, the quicker you will get to the olacenof comfort and familiarity.

    Only by leaving into the experience will you find relief. Shy away from the challenge, or hide, and the anxiety will only grow and sustain for longer.

    Actually, that's the same for all causes of anxiety.

    I wish you all the best, and I promise you can do this.

    Home, will likely always be the memories you have of the old house. But you can find a new place to feel comfortable and this will become a new home in time

    Best of luck, let us know how it goes, we're here to support you as you go

  • First off, big hugs to you during this overwhelming time! Remember, it's okay to feel the way you do. Change can be tough, but it also brings new opportunities and growth. Maybe start by creating a keepsake box with items from your childhood home to keep those memories close.As for moving, it might help to seek professional assistance. Companies like Three Movers [ink removed by Moderator] specialize in making the process smoother. It's great that you reached out here – connecting with others who've been through similar situations can provide a lot of comfort and advice.

  • First off, big hugs to you during this overwhelming time! Remember, it's okay to feel the way you do. Change can be tough, but it also brings new opportunities and growth. Maybe start by creating a keepsake box with items from your childhood home to keep those memories close.As for moving, it might help to seek professional assistance. Companies like Three Movers [ink removed by Moderator] specialize in making the process smoother. It's great that you reached out here – connecting with others who've been through similar situations can provide a lot of comfort and advice.

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