Marriage break down & avoiding situations


I have 2 autistic children but both very different!! Many people don’t realise or understand they are autistic and often my son is seen as naughty :( he has had a fantastic year of school and I felt we were managing things so so well! He was coping much better and we were able to enjoy more things as a family! However for a few weeks now he has really started to struggle and is seeming as though he is extremely badly behaved, he’s not listening, he’s hyper all the time despite us doing so much to support him! We are ment to be going on holiday with friends next week but I’m now feeling just either me and my husband will take our daughter and the other stay at home with him because when he’s like this I worry for his safety, he runs away sometimes and whilst he’s clearly overwhelmed and struggling with the end of term, I feel so worried and stressed as he ignores everything we say, and does not see danger himself. Me and my husbands relationship has been tested along with the challenges we face with both children and the fact my son will not go to bed at night. We feel we have come to the end of our relationship and don’t stand together as a team anymore? Ww have different views on how we should discipline and deal with things and I feel like we have grown apart. :( we will need to stay living together for our children but I’m feeling incredibly sad and drained at the moment and wonder if anyone else’s relationship is suffering? And if they would avoid going away and certain places?? it may be nice for my daughter to have some alone time away with one of us as my son keeps hitting her and being quite aggressive. But then I feel terrible he’s not included and missing out! 

im sorry for the long message but I’m just really looking for some support, and others going through the same as me, I feel quite alone and don’t really feel others understand 

thank you 

  • heat wakes ADHD, its hyperactive element, and attention switching 

    it gets out of control completely when it's 25 C or more in my case, I can't sit for longer than 20min, if I try, I just find myself standing by the window 5min later for example, looking at a bird calling me merrily

    WHAT WORKS?  make him run 5miles, or until he tires, wearing earplugs and listening to something that would make him want to move, and then he eats, and go sleep, hopefully

    the worst you could do is keeping him locked now, I think, he night not be aware of it, and know only that he can't take it anymore

    summertime, starting from 8y.o  I went to visit my aunt, to help with works in the fields on their farm, so I was never locked in my room 

    during schooldays Between 10 and 18 y.o I kept reading books all night, going to bed 4am and getting up 7am to go to school, compensating on Sunday and sleeping until noon

  • heat wakes ADHD, its hyperactive element, and attention switching 

    it gets out of control completely when it's 25 C or more in my case, I can't sit for longer than 20min, if I try, I just find myself standing by the window 5min later for example, looking at a bird calling me merrily

    WHAT WORKS?  make him run 5miles, or until he tires, wearing earplugs and listening to something that would make him want to move, and then he eats, and go sleep, hopefully

    the worst you could do is keeping him locked now, I think, he night not be aware of it, and know only that he can't take it anymore

    summertime, starting from 8y.o  I went to visit my aunt, to help with works in the fields on their farm, so I was never locked in my room 

    during schooldays Between 10 and 18 y.o I kept reading books all night, going to bed 4am and getting up 7am to go to school, compensating on Sunday and sleeping until noon

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