Eating disorder

Hey! I was wondering if anyone here has had or has an eating disorder? I feel like I have had almost all of them (anorexia, ARFID, bulimia, binging...). Luckily I don't have them anymore (took me like 7 years) but I am still very interested in the topic and wondering if you are struggling with the same issues. So do you have any eating disorder or have you had one? How did it start and if you managed to heal yourself, how did you do it?

  • Hiya,

    Are you female? just because i did a research paper on the underdiagnosis of females with ASD and found that females with autism are likely to develop an eating disorder, so just curious. you don't have to answer

    yeah i have struggled with an eating disorder, which was never diagnosed. it started when i got my first boyfriend, so 13. he started sitting with me and my friends for lunch and i don't feel comfortable eating in front of many people and he wasn't one of those people so i didn't eat all day. and would throw my lunch in the bin. then when we broke up, i didn't have the confidence to start eating in front of people again. i also liked that the number on the scales was reducing. that kinda continued for about 2.5 years. then in lockdown, i wasn't seeing anyone so i stopped caring about what i ate and i put on a lot of weight. to which i decided i had to drastically lose before going back to school (that's when i started starving myself and throwing up what i did eat).

    healing... not really sure. i don't make myself sick anymore and i don't have an issue with the way i look, but i still don't eat when i am at school however that's anxiety.

    Alisha xx

  • I love your pic PFP. I grew up on a farm and got to see pigs every day at one point they are actually really cute and gentle animals in some cases.

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