Going out an socialising

Is there anyone on here that cannot work due to the type of autism they have, for example get meltdowns and find working for other people too stressful so you don't work.

But you do manage to get out maybe a few hours a week or month and socialise with a mix of people (NT's included) and you just keep your autism for socialising hidden, so that you don't be judged, and you will keep that energy out and go out for a drink, dance, dinner, pub etc and enjoy your time with others, but off course come back home and rest and recharge for the rest of the week/days . 


  • My local authority have stated a social engagement for autistic individuals 18 +. It occurs every second tuesday and a ShoeBox Cafe in norwich between 1pm-3pm. its great because you can meet other people in a similar situation and it for a short period and i find it not too exhausting.

  • My local authority have stated a social engagement for autistic individuals 18 +. It occurs every second tuesday and a ShoeBox Cafe in norwich between 1pm-3pm. its great because you can meet other people in a similar situation and it for a short period and i find it not too exhausting.

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