Going out an socialising

Is there anyone on here that cannot work due to the type of autism they have, for example get meltdowns and find working for other people too stressful so you don't work.

But you do manage to get out maybe a few hours a week or month and socialise with a mix of people (NT's included) and you just keep your autism for socialising hidden, so that you don't be judged, and you will keep that energy out and go out for a drink, dance, dinner, pub etc and enjoy your time with others, but off course come back home and rest and recharge for the rest of the week/days . 


  • My local authority have stated a social engagement for autistic individuals 18 +. It occurs every second tuesday and a ShoeBox Cafe in norwich between 1pm-3pm. its great because you can meet other people in a similar situation and it for a short period and i find it not too exhausting.

  • I have just had to leave my job after 3 years because I am so burned out from working for people and having to socialise at work. Had many severe meltdowns and been signed off sick from work several times too.

    As far as socialising outside of work though, I used to be able to do it all the time, although mainly by using alcohol or clowning around as a crutch to mask my anxiety.
    Now I am so burned out I can hardly socialise at all, maybe once a month at the most. I manage to play cricket and football tho which gets me mixing with people a bit although even that is a challenge 

  • Yes. I can manage a few social hours a week with sufficient recharge in between. A full time office or other job around people would be too much. I work from home.

  • I couldn't make a whole day of it. Too much anxiety. 

  • I work in the family business but not all the time. My anxiety and autism can be debilitating and some days I can't bring myself to leave the house and go near my parents. I hate that and I feel bad about it. But that's the nature of my autism it's who I am. If I'm in a good place I'll go out maybe two hours a day but if I'm not then I'll hardly go out because I'm too afraid to.

  • For me its more like once every two months maybe, snd within a narrow repertoire of theatre (eg. Comedy gigs, occasional plays) or a meal/ coffee. Or a walk. I used to find my social phobia much worse in my teens and twenties, when one was societally expected to do pub type nights out. I hste pubs, clubs, drinking and on the few occasions I went, dreaded it for many days beforehand. Im so glad to be middle aged (i always was inside) and past all that horror. Even so, the energy cost can still feel much the same, and recuperating takes a good while. important nonetheless to maintain the very few friendships I have. 

    I do work, so surplus energy for socialising is a very small reservoir.

    Im glad youre getting out with friends summer, Im sure you really those ongoing connections to your own friends