BUPA approved ASD assessments?

Hi all,

Is anybody here aware/had experience of BUPA aporoved clinicians that conduct ASD assessments?

And can anyone recommend any BUPA approved clinicians, ideally in the North West but also other regions near by?

I have had approval via my BUPA work health insurance to have my ASD assessment privately funded - whicn is fantastic in theory/cuts out the waiting list.

However, the list that BUPA have given me is not very useful - so far all of the people they have given me to contact do not actually assess ASD, they do ADHD...

I have been going in circles, BUPA are still struggling to accurately identify anyone that can do this assessment. I am.now getting stressed/anxious it won't happen, even though funds are approved.

Would be great to know if anyone has successfully had a BUPA sponsored ASD assessment - if so who conducted the assessment/where?

  • Hi Lee, Not sure if I can help you I also have BUPA health insurance wondered how you went about getting a BUPA approval for assessment? I have been suffering with anxiety and depression on and off, and my psychologist recommend ASD assessment which I am on NHS waiting list but its incredibly long! 

  • Hi, it took me some time to find a BUPA approved specialist that does ASD assessments, but once I found one it twas quick and easy, I had my diagnosis in November, all.paid for by BUPA. BUPA would not initially directly authorize an assessment, but would authorize sessions with a psychiatrist/therapist re mental health concerns/depression associated with my condition. That therapist then wrote a eport recommending ASD assessment  as something  that would help me,  then BUPA authorised the assessment. The ASD  specialist I saw was based in Midlands, but can do sessions virtually, Dr Roji P Thomas as Midland Minds clinic, his contact infi is on the online BUPA directory. Good luck!

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