
Were any of you bullied as children/teenagers? I was subjected to mild mocking/teasing at prep school, but that was nothing like the severe verbal bullying I was subjected to at public school. I was introverted,shy,badly coordinated and socially awkward/naive. In other . words, not like the usual brash and extremely self confident people that went there. Nearly 50 years later and I still struggle with the psychological effects of it. I've never been able to pursue further education in a bricks and mortar setting for fear of being bullied and mocked My 1st psych admission was at the start of my last term at public school, the A level term.Hence no A levels and no degree.

My self belief and sense of self worth is gossamer thin. Ditto my self confidence. If I do well at something my mind says 'everyone can'. If I do badly at something then I'm stupid.

Parents Reply
  • Mental health isn't 100, but I 'd have to  go back a long way to find a time when it was better than it is now. There's several physical health issues, which I may have mentioned before. 5 years after a dx, and I still struggle with doubts as to the validity of my diagnosis. I can't identify with those who need 24x7 care and support. At the other end I can't identify with ' autism is my superpower' autistic  people. I guess I may be in some vague  kind of 'middle'.

    Reading through the comments on these forums and it comes across that people here are leading  lives with far more complexity, and depth than mine. My daily life could be summed up by food/drink/internet/a bit of TV/sleep.
