Expectations of friendships

For context, I’m 30 years old and female, told my whole life I was different and always struggled socially but no one ever suggested autism. I started to figure it out myself and am now on the waiting list for an assessment, though I don’t expect it to come through quickly!

I’ve just received upsetting news, and I wanted to talk to someone to help me try to process it and how I’m feeling. I think I have the classic alexithymia and so struggle to know how I feel about things by myself. So normally I would either just sit and spiral, potentially into a meltdown, or I would just sort of turn the feeling off by analysing instead. But I’m trying to listen to what I need more instead of constantly ignoring my own needs like I’ve been doing all my life, so I wanted help to try and process. But I’m stuck because my best friend is always too busy to answer the phone to me, and my sister is working on her new business plan so I don’t want to interrupt her. There isn’t really anyone else I can talk as honestly with, and trust enough to do that. But I’ve now been pulled out of the possibility of processing those emotions because I’ve realised that I’m not sure if it’s ok for me to expect and want the people around me to do that for me? And now I’m analysing all of the below instead!

I’ve come to realise that I want friendships to be outside of the nonsensical social rules where we have to constantly censor ourselves  or do small talk first, and that’s part of why I’m always frustrated socially because NT’s don’t seem to want that kind of friendship. But I’m also wondering if that expectation, and the want to use friends to help process things out loud is an expectation I’ve picked up from observing friendships on TV. On TV they won’t necessarily write characters who use small talk because it’s boring to watch, and they need people to process things out loud so their viewers understand things. So is it too much for me to ask my friends to do that for me? Is it expecting them to do emotional labour for me in a way that is too burdensome and I just don’t see it? It took me a really long time to find someone that even came close to giving me most of what I needed from a friend, or for my sister to not find me too irritating to talk to! So that meant that I spent a lot of time only seeing friendships in books or on TV and films, and so now I’m wondering if that’s meant I just have an inaccurate view of what I should expect from them?

I hope that makes sense! Has anyone thought/felt similarly? Am I always hoping for something I shouldn’t? 

  • This resonates a lot right now. An hour ago I just messaged a friend (one of a very  few that I have) thusly - "I promise we'll have an exclusively pleasant, not heavy, conversation some day soon. I massively value your friendship, but if I start exhausting you as much as I do myself I would understand you drifting away. And I'd only have myself to blame. I'm sorry." Can't even say something informally without being stilted it would seem. But authentic at least. I'm hurting a lot right now about some stuff (I always will, it just peaks sometimes), and I do find that emotional labour and reality testing do both enter the frame when someone makes contact in that heightened moment, expecting a 'hope you have a good weekend too' and instead getting from me both that plus a desperate expression of a need to process a mental/emotional spiral with help and insight from a trusted soul.

    The above person is by no means a surface bants person only - but she gets the social balance right - is compassionate but no nonsense- and I worry that I'm not modifying my 'small doses' (as in what others can endure of me) nature enough to not lose her friendship. Actually the 'her' factor is significant too: although I have some male friends (I am a bloke) who are supportive and good-hearted, there's a seemingly unavoidably shallow dimension to 97% of our (nonetheless important) exchanges - in real life, in WhatsApp etc. I find that my couple of female friends are much more willing/able to go deeper, but I worry that I abuse the privilege. I ask myself  'would I have said that to any of my male friends, or expected that level of nuanced and overtly spoken emotional intelligence to be delivered in a conversation?' To which the answer is simply no. But if I didn't then get that from my female friends, those conversations would b just between me and... me. Or spilling out as a stream of consciousness on here. Anyway, I do understand very well what you mean by 'hoping for something I shouldn't'.

    I get it when my weekly therapy session ends too - the time flew by and I covered barely 1% of everything crowding to the front of my mind, expressed with far too unreasonable an expectation of the extent of peace (even very temporary) that my excellent, but still human, therapist, can give me. I could have 2-hour sessions five times a week and barely scratch the surface of how much I need to talk through in forensic depth. It's hard to keep going with any hope of that. But knowing I'm not alone helps take the edge off slightly, and this community is invaluable for that. 

  • I should say that when I mention being insufficiently 'small doses', I don't mean that I relentlessly plague people. In fact, I'm more likely to ration such contact carefully, even awaiting initiation of a chat from their side - they might be burned out or busy themselves- more often than not (even if that takes weeks) as that I way I can be a little more sure I'm doing boundaries correctly. Just in case I made myself sound out of control or something - I very much hope its the opposite and that its just once I'm in the flow of a mutually agreeable catch-up, I can't just do weather and 'how's the family?' - it has to be more - minimally when it's male friends (I see the unspoken threshold all too clearly), more so with female ones. 

    Is the autistic male brain maybe a little more female in some ways? I've often wondered. I hate to overgeneralise about male NTs (or NTs in general) but I don't recognise much of myself in the average fella, especially the 'alpha' ones.

  • I should say that when I mention being insufficiently 'small doses', I don't mean that I relentlessly plague people. In fact, I'm more likely to ration such contact carefully, even awaiting initiation of a chat from their side - they might be burned out or busy themselves- more often than not (even if that takes weeks) as that I way I can be a little more sure I'm doing boundaries correctly. Just in case I made myself sound out of control or something - I very much hope its the opposite and that its just once I'm in the flow of a mutually agreeable catch-up, I can't just do weather and 'how's the family?' - it has to be more - minimally when it's male friends (I see the unspoken threshold all too clearly), more so with female ones. 

    Is the autistic male brain maybe a little more female in some ways? I've often wondered. I hate to overgeneralise about male NTs (or NTs in general) but I don't recognise much of myself in the average fella, especially the 'alpha' ones.

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