Anxiety or autism

General overview is that I thought since I was 8 that I had anxiety, and only this year (I'm 18) have I realised I think I'm autistic. Today when I was in what I think is sensory overload I felt anxious exactly how I used to feel it and now I don't know if i was feeling anxiety or it's something related to autism. When I search things up its always from the allistic persons POV and all I want to do is find out how to recover and minimise these feelings, because I've just been feeling horrible in general this whole week for no reason and I feel like it's related to burnout but I just don't know what to do

  • The sensory overload is the key. That's often what generates the anxiety. So, it's not 'anxiety or autsm', it's a case of anxiety because of autism.

    But, you don't have to live with anxiety. Some people go for meds- I won't and anyway are neurologies often react to those things differently. But, there are other things you can try: minimising sensory input, occupational therapy might help you tolerate some inputs better and autism informed therapies might help deal with the anxiety when you feel it.

  • The sensory overload is the key. That's often what generates the anxiety. So, it's not 'anxiety or autsm', it's a case of anxiety because of autism.

    But, you don't have to live with anxiety. Some people go for meds- I won't and anyway are neurologies often react to those things differently. But, there are other things you can try: minimising sensory input, occupational therapy might help you tolerate some inputs better and autism informed therapies might help deal with the anxiety when you feel it.

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