Do you work?

Do you work, or study, or just do things around the house?

I'm jobless at the moment. But I am looking for work but I failed at school and have nothing to aid me getting a job. The idea of working makes me so nervous but surviving without income looks hard, and in time I want my own family one day so I need to be able to provide.

I was looking at studying but I'm too nervous and I'm not very good at learning which I guess is why I failed school. 

So at the moment I'm just doing things around the house and am trying to better myself Slight smile

  • Hi Jess, I work restoring classic cars, I find it quite therapeutic, working to exact measurements and quality really suits  me. I work totally alone so don’t have to talk or listen to others all day. I only communicate with customers by text. Had a burnout in December and now managing about 5 hours per day now I’m back at work. I take my Jack Russell Otis with me, he’s all the company I need. I do occasionally get customers turn up uninvited, they often make a comment of, “ you must be so lonely being on your own all day”. If they only knew! If you do have to talk to people unexpectedly, I find having a set chat in place quite helpful. When they get down to the weather, I then have to get rid of them as I’m bored by then.

  • Hi Roy, Is Otis wire-haired? When I was young at boarding school a kindly old gentleman would visit the dorm at night and tell us stories of his time with the secret services (I think he made them up but at the time I did not know!) and I would float of to sleep listening to the warmth of his voice. He went everywhere with this docile wire-haired jack russell and so I have a great fondness of them to this day. I like the short-haired too. I would be particularly pleased should you tell us that Otis sings (howls to music!).

    Best wishes to you both,


  • Hi Roy, Is Otis wire-haired? When I was young at boarding school a kindly old gentleman would visit the dorm at night and tell us stories of his time with the secret services (I think he made them up but at the time I did not know!) and I would float of to sleep listening to the warmth of his voice. He went everywhere with this docile wire-haired jack russell and so I have a great fondness of them to this day. I like the short-haired too. I would be particularly pleased should you tell us that Otis sings (howls to music!).

    Best wishes to you both,

