Food intolerances and environmental sensitivities

Hi everyone, 

Does anyone else have the following? I've been to see an immunologist/allergist, who said that these are not 'true' allergies as per a blood test, but it's probably something to do with my autonomic nervous system. i.e., he couldn't help me Disappointed (which cost me $490 to find out). 

I have crazy food intolerances and I get what appears to be allergic type symptoms (roof of mouth feels swollen, headache, sore throat, feel a bit wheezy, fatigue) when I eat the following:

  • casein, even butter (which is high fat, low casein)
  • eggs
  • gluten

I get reactions almost immediately. Anti-histamines don't do much.

The other issue I have is with environmental sensitivity. I have issues with the following, which give me the same symptoms as the food intolerances: 

 Chemical sensitivity, e.g., fragrances, sprays
• smoke from wood fires, candles
• VOC's - paint, carpets
• Mould 
• dust 
• OFF GASSING - e.g., rubber from new yoga mat
• Professional pest spray

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this? Obviously, it's not pleasant, and makes me feel crappy all the time. I don't want to keep eliminating food because that's when I get into trouble when I try to reintroduce things (i.e., I get really sick).

Many thanks Slight smile

  • I would avoid food triggers, it may be an intolerance now but could progress to an allergy if you continue exposure. I’m allergic to wheat but I had such mild symptoms of intolerance I didn’t realise until it triggered a full blown allergy and I was covered in extremely severe eczema. Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is quite a controversial condition, a lot of doctors think it’s psychosomatic (an anxiety response to encountering a strong or unpleasant smell which can cause inflammation due to nervous system activation) but some are wondering if it is a true reaction. Immune systems are extremely complicated and not fully understood and that’s before the nervous system links. It might be worth finding a second opinion from a doctor who believes it may be an allergic condition or a centre conducting research on it

  • I would avoid food triggers, it may be an intolerance now but could progress to an allergy if you continue exposure. I’m allergic to wheat but I had such mild symptoms of intolerance I didn’t realise until it triggered a full blown allergy and I was covered in extremely severe eczema. Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is quite a controversial condition, a lot of doctors think it’s psychosomatic (an anxiety response to encountering a strong or unpleasant smell which can cause inflammation due to nervous system activation) but some are wondering if it is a true reaction. Immune systems are extremely complicated and not fully understood and that’s before the nervous system links. It might be worth finding a second opinion from a doctor who believes it may be an allergic condition or a centre conducting research on it

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