Food intolerances and environmental sensitivities

Hi everyone, 

Does anyone else have the following? I've been to see an immunologist/allergist, who said that these are not 'true' allergies as per a blood test, but it's probably something to do with my autonomic nervous system. i.e., he couldn't help me Disappointed (which cost me $490 to find out). 

I have crazy food intolerances and I get what appears to be allergic type symptoms (roof of mouth feels swollen, headache, sore throat, feel a bit wheezy, fatigue) when I eat the following:

  • casein, even butter (which is high fat, low casein)
  • eggs
  • gluten

I get reactions almost immediately. Anti-histamines don't do much.

The other issue I have is with environmental sensitivity. I have issues with the following, which give me the same symptoms as the food intolerances: 

 Chemical sensitivity, e.g., fragrances, sprays
• smoke from wood fires, candles
• VOC's - paint, carpets
• Mould 
• dust 
• OFF GASSING - e.g., rubber from new yoga mat
• Professional pest spray

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this? Obviously, it's not pleasant, and makes me feel crappy all the time. I don't want to keep eliminating food because that's when I get into trouble when I try to reintroduce things (i.e., I get really sick).

Many thanks Slight smile

  • I have a bad reaction to potatoes and tomatoes - and I think all the deadly nightshade family. I was getting rashes and inflamed and painful joints - but when I cut out these foods it went away. A couple of years later I tried them again and it came back - so I’m pretty sure that those foods were the problem. I haven’t had them since (which is very annoying because I love potato and tomato!). 

  • I do think it’s likely that autistic people are much more sensitive to these things. I tend to have issues with prescription  drugs  - I almost always react badly to them. 
    I also hate artificial chemicals and cleaners - I can’t STAND the way they smell. Like you I use essential oils a lot and also bicarbonate of soda and vinegar for cleaning. I have little bottles of essential oil all over the place - they’re so useful for so many things. And of course they smell wonderful and can be really calming and grounding. It’s a good idea to make sure you’re buying 100% natural oils - not blends that might have other things in. The pure oils are expensive but they’re very concentrated and they last for ages - so worth the investment. 

  • As I have mentioned elsewhere, I have intolerances to baker's and brewer's yeast,  pineapple, spinach, scombroid fish, and, unfortunately, potatoes. Potato intolerance is vanishingly rare, despite potato being part of the deadly nightshade family.

  • Yes my body cannot tolerate gluten and casein, because it makes me feel sick in many different ways. Gluten and casein's molecular structures are very similar to one another, so if the body's immune system reacts badly to gluten, it likely will not tolerate casein either. I tried lactose-free milk and cheese, but it didn't help, so I had to stop ingesting dairy products, but found suitable substitutions for my diet. Also I avoid strong chemical smells,

    I mean there's a lot of people in videos talking about how they had really bad health issues that they discovered were caused by gluten, but doctors don't always believe the patient. I mean, I've had my own bad doctor's visit about gluten, and he was even suggesting that I continue eating gluten, because he thought I was just scared about reading label packaging that had the word "gluten" in it, and I was like what? I just told you I had bad reactions to eating gluten, not just by reading the word gluten. No one would tell a person who said they had a bad reaction to honey, to keep eating honey, or strawberries, or nuts, any other type of food, but when it's gluten, no one believes you or your symptoms. 

     I mean there was an old term called "bread madness" that used to describe schizophrenia, there's a neurological link between eating gluten and having bad reactions to it. And when these people who had bread madness stopped eating bread, they were fine again after some time. If it's an autoimmune condition, then the immune system can attack different parts of the body and brain, leading to different diseases and disorders. 

    I mean I'm not going to wait for science and research to catch up to the doctors like decades later about the gluten autoimmune system reaction thing so that I will be believed or validated about it, I mean if I'm sick when I eat gluten, and I completely better without it, then I'm more than happy to go without it. I mean I can sleep properly now, work a regular job, get out the door to buy groceries, and these simple everyday things were impossible for me to do while under the influence of gluten. 

  • These are ALL related.

    Autistic Individuals have 2 mechanisms which NT individuals lack. WE ARE human tools of calculation who naturally possess the ability to recognise health and safety factors.

    Mechanism 1: Neurology has discovered different oscillations in the Beta band which is related to our Sense Perception. Think of a sound wave (we use water as an analogy to Sound), a larger sound wave penetrates more dense elements. Thus when someone drives by with a massive Bass booming from their car, we can feel that sound wave in our bones. I don't understand the capacity of what our brain waves can do, but if we're set to a different frequency, we cannot just 'adjust' or accept or ignore a sense perception. 

    Mechanism 2: Psychoanalysis has found that NeuroTypical individuals (Neurotic Individuals) are capable of supressing something which is irritating their senses and ignoring it through a social code they receive and integrate in to their thinking and reasoning from a very young age. This code comes from language and their ability to collect or receive it and understand/integrate it. 

    Everything you are finding your physiology responding negatively to in the list above are Elements which are not Human-Friendly. Our Senses are supposed to be used to calculate health and safety issues. What we might lack is the education to understand why these are not good for humans. 

    A few key items to note:

    Food sources which come from mineral-depleted ground can lack proper nutrition. I'd do a quick search on how a plant grows, where it collects nutrition, how it can be contaminated with other plant-life and how that impacts the human body. Stuff one should've learned in Jr. High Science class. 

    Similarly, if you eat meat, what that animal has ingested (such as toxins in oysters or grass-fed vs corn-fed cows), will be part of what the human is exposed to. This is more keenly understood with problems such as mad cow disease. So, it could be good to try organic eggs to double check you're biology isn't simply allergic to eggs, which can also be the case.

    Moving on:

    Rubber. Is not always 100% Rubber from a tree. I'm not sure WHY companies get away with confusing Vinyl or Tar for Rubber, but it's maddening. If it's off-gassing, it's a byproduct of the petroleum industry, not from a plant.

    Bonfires: Some Trees are good for Kindling, Some for Burning to keep warm. A search on why some trees should not be burned will help. Never burn poison ivy or Oleander.

    Pest Sprays, Candles and Fragrances: ALL of these contain unnatural chemicals which the human body should never breathe in. Again, how this legal is beyond me. Here's an alternative:

    A house can be cleaned with baking soda, vinegar and activated charcoal. Essential Oils / Natural extracts such as Tea Tree oil, Lavender and Citrus oils are naturally anti-bacterial. Cedar oil kills moths, Peppermint repels spiders, a combination of citrus, eucalyptus and lavender diluted in water will repel mosquitos. This is another Rabbit Hole of investigation but a fun one!

    Environmental Safety is important. Everything you've listed is not Human Friendly but autistic individuals are the ones who notice this predominantly. NeuroTypical individuals ARE affected, but cannot seem to make the connexion because they innately suppress the immediate cause and effect. For instance, they'll just end up with cancer between 40-80 and not know why. Our biology will always reap the consequence when it comes to assault from unnatural elements. 

    I use Doctor Bronners for cleaning or a low percent hydrogen peroxide solution. Do not mix hydrogen peroxide and chlorine as it's DEADLY. 

    Further Reading:

  • I would avoid food triggers, it may be an intolerance now but could progress to an allergy if you continue exposure. I’m allergic to wheat but I had such mild symptoms of intolerance I didn’t realise until it triggered a full blown allergy and I was covered in extremely severe eczema. Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is quite a controversial condition, a lot of doctors think it’s psychosomatic (an anxiety response to encountering a strong or unpleasant smell which can cause inflammation due to nervous system activation) but some are wondering if it is a true reaction. Immune systems are extremely complicated and not fully understood and that’s before the nervous system links. It might be worth finding a second opinion from a doctor who believes it may be an allergic condition or a centre conducting research on it