Sleep and heightened senses

I have to wear earplugs at night or I would never get to sleep. I'm slightly envious of  my partially deaf hubby who can snooze at the drop of a hat and external noises never seem to bother him. Not only do I have to block out his snoring, I have to block off any other noises, such as cars, people outside and wailing cats (usually our own). We live on a quiet street, so maybe any noises seem louder because of that . I also can't sleep if the landing light has been left on by kids, the sliver of light under the door annoys me so much even with my eyes closed that I have to get up and switch it off. I don't take sleeping pills, thankfully I don't need any. But I sure go through a load of earplugs! 

  • I'm exactly the same. My wife doesn't particularly snore but just breathes at a normal volume and in a quiet village that sound is all I can hear so I have to put earplugs in most nights. Any movements such as her tossing and turning getting comfortable or any movement in the duvet that I can feel really agitate me and make it difficult to get to sleep.

    I keep meaning to order some earplugs from happy ears as they are washable and reusable so much better for the environment (and my wallet) as, like you, I go through a lot!

  • I'm exactly the same. My wife doesn't particularly snore but just breathes at a normal volume and in a quiet village that sound is all I can hear so I have to put earplugs in most nights. Any movements such as her tossing and turning getting comfortable or any movement in the duvet that I can feel really agitate me and make it difficult to get to sleep.

    I keep meaning to order some earplugs from happy ears as they are washable and reusable so much better for the environment (and my wallet) as, like you, I go through a lot!

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