Politics: Do you guys find it hard to find a reason to vote anymore or is it just me.

I use to be a brittish conservative just so the yanks on here don't get confused but now I don't vote at all. I'm not even sure politics makes sense to me and see it more as a modern day religion or cult. When you watch people debate in parliament you have to question why do we allow these people to run the country at times. But voting genuinely seems pointless and doesn't seem to mean anything to me personally. Just find it odd how people get so wrild up about or defensive about if politics is like there life or something it's kind of sad really cause SDK yourself what do the government do for you besides raise taxes and make life more difuclt. By that I mean they claim to give us a pay rise then the next year they increase taxes which completely defetes the objective of a pay raise as even if your pay does increase by a small amount if taxes rise then your money still doesn't go far due to tax inflation canceling it out. It's as if they take us for fools. 

  • the people in charge are either really, really, incompetent or as seems slightly more likely, following an Evil agenda.

    Yep. Evil agenda for sure. They're not incompetent, they simply don't care.

    Part of which is to prevent people voting by insisting on photo ID to prevent 'voter fraud' a lie straight out of the Trump playbook and something which has never been an issue in the UK (well, not in modern times). 

    It's worth saying that there is no requirement for photo ID if you choose a postal vote. Of course, that isn't well publicized, because the whole point of obstructing the voting process is to stack the odds in their favour. 

    Good luck selling your truck.

  • I've recently been PUT on the electoral roll by my O/H when she realised that I wasn't going to do it myself.

    But I've been becoming more socially concerned that the people in charge are either really, really, incompetent or as seems slightly more likely, following an Evil agenda.

    Either way, it's probably time for me to get involved in politics, and voting "none of the above they are all tossers" in purple sharpie (I bet it's a no paper deal now) has always appealed to me... Plus being on the electoral roll makes it much easier to hire a van, and I've decided I'm going to give up on trying to get sensibly priced insurance on my own little truck, and sell it.

  • I can totally believe that and it doesn't surprise me at all.

    They don't care. I'd like to think people would vote against such misuses of power by voting them out, but there's so much voting apathy, who knows? 

    I live in hope. 

  • I stay off the electoral roll because I know I wouldn't cope with jury service, and as it's likely to be another 1-2 years before I get officially diagnosed I doubt I'd be allowed to opt out. I follow politics and know who I would vote for but the risk is not worth it to me.

  • My constituency is a safe Tory seat, but they have completely ravaged the community over the last twenty years, because they have used it as a crisis-sponge, to attempt to soak-up as much of the national-flak as possible..

  • live in a very safe Tory seat area and I vote in general elections, but not local.

    I know my Labour vote is being thrown away but I find myself unable to sit at home during a general election.

    I too live in a 'safe' Tory seat. However, due to the work of my local CLP it's not so safe as it used to be. I very much hope that my local MP will lose his seat at the next GE, as he certainly deserves to. I personally fell out with him when he was doorstep canvassing and told me that people using food banks were making  a lifestyle choice. 

  • I'm with you that you can still complain even if you don't vote, but there's always a least worst option. Genuinely good politicians who should be in power in an ideal world are incredibly rare, but there are some who are not great and some who are horrific. 

    If you're offered those three bags of mess and rat poo has a high risk of having the plague, you have the choice to try to avoid the rat stuff.

  • You mind if I borrow that one..?Joy

  • Sorry, but I disagree. In 40 years of being eligible to vote I've never bothered once in either local or general elections. I can still complain about the government if I choose to because I didn't vote for any of them, winners or losers.

    A canvasser came to my door once and asked me if they could count on me voting Labour so I told him no. He then asked if that was because I was voting Conservative, and once again my answer was no. Next he tried Lib Dem, answer no. At this point I decided to tell him that I had never voted for anyone before and wasn't about to start doing so. When he asked me why, I answered him with a question of my own - If Tesco had 5kg bags of dog poo, cat poo, and rat poo on special offer which one would you buy? He replied that he wouldn't buy any of them as none of them have any real value or function. I told him that he had perfectly summed up my feelings for politicians, and closed the front door in his face.

  • I used to feel like that, but since Covid, with all the things that have come out, I’ve come to realise that the problems in our world can never be solved by politics, there is not any political solutions and never will be, politicians are only in politics for thier own personal gain and don’t really care about ordinary people, voting is both a sham and a scam and it’s pointless - I’d sooner live under an absolute monarchy or millitary dictatorship because at least that would be more honest and people would know where they stand - I’ve come to admire Islamic countries where Sharia law is in force and where they have a dedicated religious police to enforce the religious laws of that country 

  • You should have aquired a Tardis.

    Time And Relative Disorder In the Spectum?

  • They dont offer those on the NHS.. do they?

    I want one if they do...

  • They dont offer those on the NHS.. do they?

  • You should have aquired a Tardis.


  • I did try to be born earlier..Unamused

  • Yeah, we tried that! 

  • Me thinks you jest, young man

  • Absolute monarchy.. we should have that..

  • You're right. So some form of PR would be better for the country, if only we had a government who cared about  that.

    The large majority of the current government is an anomaly, achieved by some clever maneuvering - it won't be repeated in the near future. Well, unless there's a Labour landslide, possible, but I wouldn't bet on it.

    The current government is likely to lose the next election, probably just as well. I dread to think what will happen if they're allowed to continue. 

    You note that a government with a strong majority can only be moderated by the HoL or the courts. The current government works to diminish both - or alternatively control both. It's aim is to remove all bars to its total power. 

    That ought to worry everyone in my opinion, yet it doesn't seem to. People are remarkably complacent. 

  • Currently in Britain we have a significant majority government, and I'd take a "weak" government over that any day. The people are generally better served when smaller parties can keep the biggest in check rather than our current situation where one party can just do whatever they want and can only be moderated by either the HoL or the courts.