Politics: Do you guys find it hard to find a reason to vote anymore or is it just me.

I use to be a brittish conservative just so the yanks on here don't get confused but now I don't vote at all. I'm not even sure politics makes sense to me and see it more as a modern day religion or cult. When you watch people debate in parliament you have to question why do we allow these people to run the country at times. But voting genuinely seems pointless and doesn't seem to mean anything to me personally. Just find it odd how people get so wrild up about or defensive about if politics is like there life or something it's kind of sad really cause SDK yourself what do the government do for you besides raise taxes and make life more difuclt. By that I mean they claim to give us a pay rise then the next year they increase taxes which completely defetes the objective of a pay raise as even if your pay does increase by a small amount if taxes rise then your money still doesn't go far due to tax inflation canceling it out. It's as if they take us for fools. 

  • I vote, because we women fought damn hard for our right to vote, and thus I will use that right in every election, local or national. It is a somewhat wasted vote given that I live in the safest of safe Tory seats, but I always vote nonetheless.

  • Participating in voting is like being a loony sitting in a broken car making driving noises, but getting nowhere

  • Participating in voting is like being a loony sitting in a broken car making driving noises, but getting nowhere

    And that attitude is likely to encourage others to be apatheic and not vote, so the problem is perpetuated.

    As an aside, here in Brazil voting is not just a right, it is mandatory and you are fined if you don't participate without a good reason (you have to submit a justification for not voting in any event local or national). Part of this is because Brazil only emerged from dictatorship in the 1980's so democracy is still seen as an essential control agains those who would dominate authority without democracy (ie there was an army coup and they ran the country for ages).

    If people in the UK took democracy seriously, became a part of the solution instead of part of the problem then there would be a lot less of the mismanagement of the country going on.

    Sure it would lead to more parties being formed to represent interests such as you talk about and there would inevitably be coalition governments, but this means any policies have to represent diverse opinions and be worked through to prevent the farce of the last rounds of conservative or labour governments over the last few decades.

    So you can be that person complaining about it and not doing anything or you can get engaged and be a part of the solution at whatever level you are able to. Be the mechanic and fix the damn car!

    Or not - but in my opinion if you are not going to do something about it, don't complain.

  • Hmm... 

    I will consider this...

  • I think trump took that straight of of the uk nationalist playbook..Thinking

  • the people in charge are either really, really, incompetent or as seems slightly more likely, following an Evil agenda.

    Yep. Evil agenda for sure. They're not incompetent, they simply don't care.

    Part of which is to prevent people voting by insisting on photo ID to prevent 'voter fraud' a lie straight out of the Trump playbook and something which has never been an issue in the UK (well, not in modern times). 

    It's worth saying that there is no requirement for photo ID if you choose a postal vote. Of course, that isn't well publicized, because the whole point of obstructing the voting process is to stack the odds in their favour. 

    Good luck selling your truck.

  • I've recently been PUT on the electoral roll by my O/H when she realised that I wasn't going to do it myself.

    But I've been becoming more socially concerned that the people in charge are either really, really, incompetent or as seems slightly more likely, following an Evil agenda.

    Either way, it's probably time for me to get involved in politics, and voting "none of the above they are all tossers" in purple sharpie (I bet it's a no paper deal now) has always appealed to me... Plus being on the electoral roll makes it much easier to hire a van, and I've decided I'm going to give up on trying to get sensibly priced insurance on my own little truck, and sell it.

  • I've recently been PUT on the electoral roll by my O/H when she realised that I wasn't going to do it myself.

    But I've been becoming more socially concerned that the people in charge are either really, really, incompetent or as seems slightly more likely, following an Evil agenda.

    Either way, it's probably time for me to get involved in politics, and voting "none of the above they are all tossers" in purple sharpie (I bet it's a no paper deal now) has always appealed to me... Plus being on the electoral roll makes it much easier to hire a van, and I've decided I'm going to give up on trying to get sensibly priced insurance on my own little truck, and sell it.

  • Hmm... 

    I will consider this...

  • I think trump took that straight of of the uk nationalist playbook..Thinking

  • the people in charge are either really, really, incompetent or as seems slightly more likely, following an Evil agenda.

    Yep. Evil agenda for sure. They're not incompetent, they simply don't care.

    Part of which is to prevent people voting by insisting on photo ID to prevent 'voter fraud' a lie straight out of the Trump playbook and something which has never been an issue in the UK (well, not in modern times). 

    It's worth saying that there is no requirement for photo ID if you choose a postal vote. Of course, that isn't well publicized, because the whole point of obstructing the voting process is to stack the odds in their favour. 

    Good luck selling your truck.