Using Autism as an excuse

My family are cross with me as they say that since I was diagnosed I am using my autism as an excuse not to change my behaviour and that am doing things now that I wouldn't have  done before and "blaming" it in on my autism. 

I don't know how to deal with this information. Do I need to pretend that I am not autistic and go back to masking and hiding who I really am? Do I need to act as if I never got a diagnosis and not mention my autism ever again? 

My husband says that he feels like he is the only one expected to change in our relationship because  now I am autistic it means that I have an excuse not to have to make any changes.

I really don't know what I am supposed to do this information or what I should do about it!

Has anyone else had this happen to them? Any advice on what I should do?

I feel like no-one is willing to accept me as I am and everyone is fed up with me being autsistic!

  • My Mum and Godfather think I use my Autism as an excuse for everything and my Mum and Nan have said before that getting an Autism diagnosis was one of the worst things I done as I was stressed about it since but I think its good because I now know its part of who I am and why I might of had the issues I had before - I’ve learnt a lot being on here and its helped a lot as well!

  • My Mum and Godfather think I use my Autism as an excuse for everything and my Mum and Nan have said before that getting an Autism diagnosis was one of the worst things I done as I was stressed about it since but I think its good because I now know its part of who I am and why I might of had the issues I had before - I’ve learnt a lot being on here and its helped a lot as well!

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