Sensory issues with sleep

Does anyone ellse tend to have an overactive brain before they go to bed? Like if your staying some where different like at a relative's house you can't sleep well unless it's your own bed. Other people's houses freak me out at night time. I can literally here everything from pipes creeking to floor boards to the wind outside. Then my over imagination kikcs in and thinks there must be somone there when reality I do t beleive in ghosts but old Victorian propperties really creep me out. I sleep fine in my house but when we stay at families houses not so much. 

  • Other people's houses freak me out at night time.

    I read somewhere that humans are wired to be on alert during sleep to protect themselves from danger.  I guess it's inbuilt and more prevalent in some people.

    I sleep better when my daughter is away at her Daddys as I feel I can fully relax and not have to be ready incase she wakes up and I need to have the perfect parent mask on.  She phoned me tonight from Daddys which she rarely does.  It made my heart dance.

  • I am alert at night, as soon as I hear a voice I am awake.  Which is annoying at the moment because my wife’s medication is giving her vivid dreams and sometimes she talks!

  • giving her vivid dreams and sometimes she talks!

    Oh no!!! That's very frustrating and exhausting! Could you sleep in different rooms or could you wear ear plugs?  I can't as they irritate me but I don't need to as I sleep alone being single and all. 

  • I usually go back to sleep pretty quickly.

    Your poor wife too, I hope that she sleeps okay despite the vivid dreams.....  I've never let my daughter snuggle with me if she has a nightmare as I'm badly behaved in my sleep, I talk, punch, kick, get up and go to other rooms.  As a teenager, I once woke up in my parents living room three times! Eventually I just thought, I obviously want to be here for some reason so I slept in the living room and stopped trying to go back to my own room......

  • I usually go back to sleep pretty quickly.

    Your poor wife too, I hope that she sleeps okay despite the vivid dreams.....  I've never let my daughter snuggle with me if she has a nightmare as I'm badly behaved in my sleep, I talk, punch, kick, get up and go to other rooms.  As a teenager, I once woke up in my parents living room three times! Eventually I just thought, I obviously want to be here for some reason so I slept in the living room and stopped trying to go back to my own room......

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