Different jokes for different folks

Hi all,

Seems I'm on a roll with posting stuff!! Does anyone else find jokes like - What do you get if you cross a kangaroo with a sheep? - completely unfunny and pointless?  I find slap stick or people getting frights or bodily functions hilarious but jokes that have punch lines lead me to - Yeah I get it but it's not funny.  My Mum takes the pi** when she laughs at these kinds of jokes and I'm straight faced because she thinks I don't get it when in actual fact I do.  It's simply not funny to me.  Yet I can watch continual youtube videos of POOTERS and be in tears with laughter....


H :-)

  • have a Weird Al Yankovic album

    I just watched stuff on youtube.  Very clever and funny. :-)

  • That Weird Al Yankovic video FOIL, cracks me up every time.

  • I like absurdist humour most of all. One of my all-time favourites is Spike Milligan's sketch: 'A tribute to Elgar, on his favourite instrument, the B-flat garden hose'.  www.youtube.com/watch

  • They didn't hang themselves. 

  • That sums him up perfectly!

  • PA,

    The whole thing makes me sick to my stomach especially since I am a mother and further more have been in vulnerable situations as a child myself. 

  • CB

    Oh dear how unfortunate....

  • Yeah. What is truly horrifying is that these two created, maintained, defended and sustained their own special version of hell, with wealth as the Great Protector, for so long.   

    I've no idea how anyone who does that sleeps at night, or finds any rest for their soul. But some people seem to be insulated from any concept of morality, and be immune to conscience.   When this picture was taken, they must have thought themslves above the reach of the law.   

    I can understand, in a completely dispassionate way, why Epstein, accustomed to so much wealth and privilege, found death preferable to life in a US prison. The gap between his level of weath and life as a US prisoner would be almost beyond comprehension. I think it's unfortunate that he was able to control his destiny even at the end, and make a choice about the time of his death, but at least he was stopped. 

    The world got rid of a parasite, but a life in confinement with some interesting fellow inmates would have been a more just outcome.  They would have abused him as he abused others, with a terrifying brutality, and all his wealth and influence would not have been able to save him. 

    Perhaps she will make the same end-of-life decision, when (hopefully) her appeal fails.  Presumably, there will be a greater level of alertness amongst prison authorities, but it's hard to stop someone with a life sentence eventually committing suicide.   She may be detestable, but she has brains, creativity and imagination, and would find a way.   

    People like this, and (on a smaller scale) Owen Patterson and his ilk, who feel unconstrained by the legal and moral boundaries which apply to most of us, deserve no sympathy when the jig is up. But I wonder how many of these odious individuals there are, in even more protected positions of absulute power, largely in countries where an action like the one against Epstein would never come to court?

    Even Owen Patterson very nearly got away with it. 

    Prince Andrew clearly has a case to answer.  The fact that just before Christmas his lawyers tried to get him off on a technicality (the accuser "is not a US resident" because she now lives in Australia) may have merit as a legal strategy but did him no favours in a reputational sense. 

    I don't know whether he's guilty or not, of course, but few other people in the world would have faced this level of accusation, this amount of circumstantial evidence, and put up such a feeble public defence of their position, without seeing the inside of a court room, where all the available evidence would be heard, and witnesses would be questioned. 

    It took long enough to bring Epstein and Maxwell down, and it's inexcusable that they were allowed to do so much damage before they were called to account. 

    But at least it happened. 

    It actually happened.

    There are places in the world where it will never happen.

    And there are people (some of them in the US and Europe) who enthusiastically joined-in with Epstein/Maxwell who are now free and clear because of the Statute of Limitations, because the evidence against them is so old, and because it's so hard to prove a case.   

    It's tempting to believe that those who manage to live out their lives in this way will ultimately have to account to a Creator, and I can understand why people do believe that.  But the Universe (and beyond) knows no morality.  Morality is a human construct. Stars live and die, Black Holes swallow everything in their path, meterorites wipe-out life, and morality doesn't intervene.  

    So some people will just get away with it, at least for their lifetime (like Jimmy Saville).   

    And if they have no conscience, those in Epstein/Maxwell's circle will presumably be thankful that they escaped justice, and simply get on with their lives.  Perhaps continuing to exploit, use and discard other people, to satisfy criminally depraved appetites, but doing so with greater caution.   

  • Stolen from Have I Got News For You...

  • It looks like a hand :-)

  • this is so, so, so good.

  • Now you're talking. Mwwwwaaaaa haaaa haaaa! That's very funny!!!

  • A lot of people on here like space, so this joke should appeal.