Feel the music?

Just wondering:

A.) How do people feel about music? Good, bad? Too distracting, the best distraction?

B.) Music tastes: What's yours like? (Genres, not just good or bad... lol) Big Beat-y base, or gentle melodies?

C.) Do you find you can alter your own outlook purely by changing the tunes? (It may seem ironic: but if I need cheering up fast, I'll often listen to and singalong to: Monty Python's - Always look on the bright side of life...)

  • I'm weird with music, some will instantly give me a headache while others just grab me and lift me out of my shell and make me feel nice. I tend to discover a song I like and then play it on repeat many times until it loses its appeal, then i leave it for a few months and the cycle continues. I know, weird! Does anyone else do that?

    I am currently obsessed with the song Wolf Moon by Type O Negative.

    I have to listen to white noise or calming or classical music when I am working otherwise I can't focus. It's like I need to shut down or distract parts of my brain to allow the bits I need for work to function properly.

  • I'm very much one to use the Repeat button, you're not alone there! Nothing weird about it! :-)

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