Adult life being dull

So one thing I do hate about adult life is how boring it gets. It's very reppretive and half the time you feel like your in limbo. TV sucks new music sucks politics sucks religion sucks gaming sucks Christmas and birthdays sucks the older you get even football gets boring after you've been to like 5 matches. Wieredly though I've found the only thing these days that brings me pleasure is either stuff that scares me or brings me an adrenaline rush or physical pain. Which sure may make me sound crazy to some but when life gets boring to the point of beyond belief that's all that seems left. All I'm saving for now are tattoos as I have the majority of meterlistic items I need so now and I've exceled at my hobby so now I'm turning my body into art. Looking into taking up boxing too. And looking forward to hiking bit since covid everything's just been ***.

  • Ditching TV has helped me tune off from the Mass Hysteria over Covid. 

    I also read a book 'Progress' by Johan Norberg. It's about how advanced we have become in recent times.

    I have a religious conviction, which keeps me sane. However, believers should embrace persecution. We were persecuted throughout our history.

    Life is s**t, but we're the septic tank to get rid of it. 

  • Yeah I just Wana go traveling again. Wana see the world England's a *** hole if you live in the south and it's flat and boring. I miss mountains hiking and being able to chalange myself running in a cross trainer or lifting weights at the gym becomes a drag after a while but being on a mountain is like all your worries shrink and you just focus on pushing the passt to get to the top then when you do get to the top you feel like you've ocomplished something only few people have.

  • My country isn't a shithole, maybe it's a reflection.

  • It rains more in Paris than in London. Take that Hollywood and your biased, nonsense movies. Every time I have gone to Paris it has smelled of dog poo.

  • What is it that you think is different about America compared to the UK. Have you ever been to the US or is this based off your impression from media?

    I've been there a few times and most of the towns and cities are genuinely awful. Most Americans you meet when they find out you are from the UK say how much they would love to live here. America is not a free country, far from it. It is way more free and open minded here. If I was told I had to move to the US there is probably only one or two places I would move to, and both would be a step down from living in South East England.

    You say uou live in a boring village. Maybe it's more to do with that than the country you are in? Maybe move to a town or somewhere with more diverse geography. I live near Surrey hills so loads of big hills and green and the south downs more hig hills are nearby and there are cool beaches 1 hour away. I have all I will ever need here.

    US can be a v cruel place when you are out of work or need social and other care. Grass is greener syndrome may be making an appearance here. Loads of cool places and things to do here. I think UK is the best country in the world.

  • I exercise at home, don't go out only to shop and walk. Rarely drink. Used to live in a village where the only thing to do was pub - for those who didn't want to do anything else. I went walking or stayed in. It seems you are dazzled by another country. Save up and go there to live. You can go anywhere on holiday and be amazed at getting the services you pay for, try living there for a decade.

  • Although we do have the best navy in the world so least I don't need to worry about learning Korean or russian anytime soon

  • Try living in a village the only thing to do in a village is go to the pub. Busses where I live only run every half hour town is 45 mins away buy buss so it's effort to go out especially when you suffer from social anxiety. But it's just a boring life style pub gym pub gym. In America they have loads of cool stuff you can do but here were so restricted and limited.

  • I find that incredible, the social culture revolving around alcoholism. And they have the cheek make our 40,000 year old medicine illegal.

  • What's to like about England besides free health care. It rains most of the year round over run with council houses and concrete city's flat boring fields every where cost of living is stupidly exspensive unless you live in the North I mean I could go on but you get the picture oh and social culture just revolves around the pub. And there usually out dated dives left over from the 80s. Price of beer is stupidly exspensive too and minum wage is barely enough to live off. 

  • What's to like about England besides free health care. It rains most of the year round over run with council houses and concrete city's flat boring fields every where cost of living is stupidly exspensive unless you live in the North I mean I could go on but you get the picture oh and social culture just revolves around the pub. And there usually out dated dives left over from the 80s. Price of beer is stupidly exspensive too and minum wage is barely enough to live off. 

  • It rains more in Paris than in London. Take that Hollywood and your biased, nonsense movies. Every time I have gone to Paris it has smelled of dog poo.

  • What is it that you think is different about America compared to the UK. Have you ever been to the US or is this based off your impression from media?

    I've been there a few times and most of the towns and cities are genuinely awful. Most Americans you meet when they find out you are from the UK say how much they would love to live here. America is not a free country, far from it. It is way more free and open minded here. If I was told I had to move to the US there is probably only one or two places I would move to, and both would be a step down from living in South East England.

    You say uou live in a boring village. Maybe it's more to do with that than the country you are in? Maybe move to a town or somewhere with more diverse geography. I live near Surrey hills so loads of big hills and green and the south downs more hig hills are nearby and there are cool beaches 1 hour away. I have all I will ever need here.

    US can be a v cruel place when you are out of work or need social and other care. Grass is greener syndrome may be making an appearance here. Loads of cool places and things to do here. I think UK is the best country in the world.

  • I exercise at home, don't go out only to shop and walk. Rarely drink. Used to live in a village where the only thing to do was pub - for those who didn't want to do anything else. I went walking or stayed in. It seems you are dazzled by another country. Save up and go there to live. You can go anywhere on holiday and be amazed at getting the services you pay for, try living there for a decade.

  • Although we do have the best navy in the world so least I don't need to worry about learning Korean or russian anytime soon

  • Try living in a village the only thing to do in a village is go to the pub. Busses where I live only run every half hour town is 45 mins away buy buss so it's effort to go out especially when you suffer from social anxiety. But it's just a boring life style pub gym pub gym. In America they have loads of cool stuff you can do but here were so restricted and limited.

  • I find that incredible, the social culture revolving around alcoholism. And they have the cheek make our 40,000 year old medicine illegal.