Computer games


I was recently diagnosed with ASD and am still coming to terms with it. I have some reading materials that I'll try and look at over the Christmas period but I can't guarantee being able to focus.

I wanted to understand if anyone else finds certain computer games a welcome break from the world, and that they are soothing? Most computer games are a sensory overload for me and even when they aren't I often get a headache after 30-60 min. There are a few which are nice and calm and help me when I feel overloaded. I like a game called Skyrim - it has wonderful repetitive soothing music and an open world, so you can just walk around and explore, and interact with people only when you want. The dialogue options are nice and simple too. I sometimes also play turn-based computer versions of board games. There are some available on Steam that are fun, like Gloomhaven. Am I alone in this? Does anyone else have this as a hobby / decompressing activity?

Hope you are all doing well.

  • I always wanted to try Skyrim and don't really know why I still haven't

    I like Animal Crossing for a similar reason. I've always liked games like The Sims, Theme Park/Hospital, Creatures...

    I also like puzzle games with simple repetitive elements.

    I've played WoW and SWG when I've had an online gaming phase but these were so addictive and consuming so I don't tend to play games where other people are relying on me logging on now. I do like playing Mario Party though or similar competitive games that are relatively simple. I don't like shooting games or anything that will make me jump. 

    I also like board games when I want to get away from screens. Scrabble is probably my favourite go-to classic but I have two huge cupboards full of board games! 

  • I always wanted to try Skyrim and don't really know why I still haven't

    I like Animal Crossing for a similar reason. I've always liked games like The Sims, Theme Park/Hospital, Creatures...

    I also like puzzle games with simple repetitive elements.

    I've played WoW and SWG when I've had an online gaming phase but these were so addictive and consuming so I don't tend to play games where other people are relying on me logging on now. I do like playing Mario Party though or similar competitive games that are relatively simple. I don't like shooting games or anything that will make me jump. 

    I also like board games when I want to get away from screens. Scrabble is probably my favourite go-to classic but I have two huge cupboards full of board games! 

  • I love board/card games too. They are relaxing, get you away from screens, but also because of the rules I know where everything stands - there are literally written rules of behaviour :) My favourites at the moment are Tyrants of the Underdark and Catan: Starfarers. I want to play something like Gloomhaven but don't know anyone who would want to play with me in person. There is an online version of Gloomhaven where could play even during a lockdown with other people but again I only know one person that has it and they are busy most of the time with other things in their leisure time.