Computer games


I was recently diagnosed with ASD and am still coming to terms with it. I have some reading materials that I'll try and look at over the Christmas period but I can't guarantee being able to focus.

I wanted to understand if anyone else finds certain computer games a welcome break from the world, and that they are soothing? Most computer games are a sensory overload for me and even when they aren't I often get a headache after 30-60 min. There are a few which are nice and calm and help me when I feel overloaded. I like a game called Skyrim - it has wonderful repetitive soothing music and an open world, so you can just walk around and explore, and interact with people only when you want. The dialogue options are nice and simple too. I sometimes also play turn-based computer versions of board games. There are some available on Steam that are fun, like Gloomhaven. Am I alone in this? Does anyone else have this as a hobby / decompressing activity?

Hope you are all doing well.

  • For me, the serene music and vast open world provide a soothing environment where you can explore at your own pace, without any pressure. I've found that gaming can be a lifeline during stressful times. Like you, I enjoy the simplicity and familiarity of turn-based board game adaptations, such as Gloomhaven on Steam. It's a great way to engage with something familiar yet still have the flexibility to unwind on my own terms. As for me, when I'm seeking relaxation and a bit of excitement, I turn to bingo cash. It's become a cherished pastime, offering a mix of entertainment and the chance to win a little something extra.

  • Hey, thanks for opening up about your experience. It takes courage to share, especially when navigating something like ASD. You're definitely not alone in finding comfort and relief through gaming. I can relate to what you're saying – while many games can be overwhelming with their sensory overload, there are those gems like Skyrim that offer a tranquil escape.

  • I’m not a gamer but completely addicted to minecraft.. I mean I put 8hrs in a day after work or 14/18hrs when I’m off work.. I have issues :-) 

  • Rule reminder 4 - "be nice to each other and enjoy chatting.  We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members.  Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated."

  • I don't gamble

    and money matters little to me

  • These games are all good, but have you ever tried to play a real game? A game that can bring you not only that silly joy but also profit. Have you ever tried it? I guess not, because you're the only nerds here. I came here to show you a great place to spend your days and nights and to tell you that computer games and all that stuff are a waste of time. The last part is already done! Here You just go and start making good money. Don't be afraid, don't be a wuss! Just join, and you'll be a better version of yourself after a while.

  • Used to live gaming but can't afford to replace my laptop sadly

  • I've played Skyrim but find myself overloaded with most games after half an hour of playing. I can't play for too long I get the headaches and sometimes a bit dizzy, possibly eye strain? Or is it just me? 

    I find games a good way of relaxing but can't play for long. I like the Lego games there fun and a good way to relax. I also like RPG games, no pressure just relaxing and fun :) 

    What games are you playing at the moment?

  • I did play it, but it's civilization with magic LOL

  • I don't play realtime ones because I'm to slow, I tend to stop to think and space out, then I wake up to find out I'm dead. LOL

    what about turn-based RPGs? There few good ones 'lately':

    Pillars of Eternity (I would say II is better than I)

    Divinity: Original Sin (II is a lot easier than I, easy enough to get bored, I meant that about game mechanics only)

  • I'm not really a turn based type gamer.  I prefer FPS with tinges of RPG mixed in, but things like CoD: MW2 where you get to run around shooting the crap out of stuff is still a favourite.  Nowadays zombie games like Dying Light and apocalyptic games like Stalker are about all I play.  Maybe some Counter Strike occasionally when i feel the need to rage a little, especially if the server runs Piranesi or Cbble.

    I honestly have less time a late.  I have been playing AC: Odyssey on and off for the last year and still haven't got very far in it.  I previously had AC: Origins which took me about a week to finish.  I bought Metro Exodus a month back and intend to start on that soon, as well.

  • Skyrim is great but you can spend so much time on it that it becomes almost an obsession, or it defos did for me Laughing But can't deny when I finished it and had all the achievements I was pretty pleased with myself! I can't help myself though, I get obsessed with a game and then I have to complete it or it really irritates me.

  • try Urtuk: The Desolation

    highest difficulty is a real challenge, AI isn't stupid either

    it kept me busy for few months, and I back to it again,

  • Not currently but I've had the same feelings with this before. I get into games, find them a really good escape but it gets too much and like you say it becomes almost addictive and I then struggle to stop.

    I like games and play sometimes but then I play too much so I don't do too much anymore.

  • Skyrim is way too addictive if you are ND.  I spent over 3000 hours playing it, maybe 100+ builds, learning to do everything as quickly as possible, doing all the different character builds, and then at 2900 hours I finished the game and got all the achievements done.

    I can tell you how to make money quickly and easily, how to get atronachs really early in the game by using the atronach forge under the college at winterhold, bound bow is a really powerful bow you can get early, and much more.

    I had to stop playing it because I had burnt out from playing it so much.  But I did the same with Fallout 4, 3000 hours or so and never finished the game.  Just tweaking the minutiae to the nth degree.

    Currently obssessing over Dying Light and waiting for Stalker 2 later this year.

  • I quite like videogames, even if they can overload my mind, and the reason is that I can focus on one thing only and forget about all the other stuff that forms a blurry unmanageable cloud in my mind.

    However, I am a bit in two minds about it because it is a quick and easy way out and can get a bit addictive. Is anyone else having a similar experience?

  • Speaking of this game, if anybody has an interest in long and short drives this is the best driving game I've played for keyboard and it is on sale ATM UNDER A TENNER on Greenman Gaming. (known and trusted vendor - used for years no problems)

    I recommend this game to all.

    EDIT: I will add, for those gamers who do not know, that GreemanGaming has offered the best discounts since I started using them 8 years ago, Along with Steam/Valve, Humble, Ubisoft etc.

  • Only another 100+ hours to go then Grinning

  • I have it. I got it from Epic Games last year, free Smiley

    Have only played about 6 hours though.

  • Same.  I built a living ship but lost a single part somewhere in a locker......couldn't find it, hundreds of hours for nothing Smile