Headphone and ear phone/ plugs recommendations Pls

My older teen has issues coping with noisy environments and we are looking for earphones / headphones. The problem is she is also sensitive to wearing anything slightly uncomfortable and is not able to use the headphones or the earphones we previously bought her. Any recommendations please? I would like to buy 3 options, but at a reasonable price if possible:

1) Headphones for listening to music, but could also help with slight noise reduction. Are on-ear or over-ear more comfortable? the comfort of the foam padding is probably more important than sound quality

2) Earphones for music and noise reduction. Again, most important thing is comfort as it feels weird for her to put something in her ears. 

3) Earplugs which are noise reducing. I have seen Loop or Eargrace brands on Amazon. We need whatever is most comfortable. 

Thank you in advance to anyone willing to spend the time to give us their recommendations. This could make a big difference to her!

Parents Reply
  • When you upgrade next time go wih the new Sony ones there incredible amazing battery life and true noise canceling on the new ones you get a dile on the earphone to change between tracks and adjust volume without having to get your phone out there really impressive about 200 quid but worth every penny. Make sure to get them protected with insurance though or what ever there warranty is though
