Jealousy- does anyone else suffer from it?

 I would say one of my biggest faults is jealousy.

I don't know why, but it is. I don't like it. But looking back over my life it has caused me most problems.

I don't know if jealousy is linked to autism or not.

Does any else find this a problem?

  • Jealousy could be something felt by autistic people more- because we are excluded from society! We see everyone else having friends, families, fun times, being supported and loved by everyone. But we are treated like aliens. So it's not surprising if we feel jealousy.

  • I think your view of NTs is through rose tinted glasses. In one sentence you say NTs are familial, friendly, fun, considerate, loving and in another you state they treat 'us' like aliens and exclude us. In my youthful ignorance I thought the same, however, as I experienced society more my rose glasses fell off at the horror NTs will inflict on one another. I'm no longer jealous of them. I'd rather be the alien, the outcast, the loner the 'whatever'.

  • Those two things don't exclude each other. They can have fun with each other and still ostracise us. All I want is a group of supportive friends and family who are actually nice people, whether autistic or not.

  • Yes I'd like to see that information please.

    There will be more viruses, don't you worry. Covid is just the start. The viruses are coming for us now...unless we change our ways i.e. stop travelling round the globe quickly. Viruses like Ebola are always lurking, and most of those have a 90% death rate. If they got to densely populated areas, humans would die out very rapidly.

    Also, natural selection has stopped for humans. Most of us survive, including the stupid, dangerous and self centred ones. Until recently, the stupid ones died because they did stupid things. The dangerous and self centred ones were ostracised because they didn't contribute to the tribe, or they got killed in battles.

  • Yes. I was told recently that the Me Me Me approach is popular because it's the only proven way to get ahead. So that's what people do.

  • Yes. 'why can't we all just get along?'

    I think there are more and more greedy, self centred and manipulative people these days. In the past, people HAD to work together or they died. They either starved or were attacked by invaders or killed by animals or met numerous other horrible fates. Without your tribe you had no hope of surviving.

    In modern days, everyone can live their own little lives on their own track separate from everyone else quite happily, without ever needing anyone else. People can even have children without interacting with another person.

    We have become too individual perhaps? We have no common goal to work towards, no one depends on anyone else so everyone is selfish.

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