Those of you who work...

I'm interested to know how many of the working autistic population (on here at least) work full time. I changed to working part time 4 years ago, pre-diagnosis, because I kept burning out (normal in the job I was doing so didn't attribute it to autism until I was diagnosed and looked back). Now I'm looking at my career prospects post-diagnosis as in many ways I feel more confident in myself since I know I'm not just "lacking resilience" (anyone else had that thrown at them?). 

I just don't know if considering working full time again is truly realistic. Interested to know what other people's experiences are. 

  • Hi Michelle, good to see you pop up as I haven’t seen you much recently. Although I try to limit my time on the forum. Glad to hear you got your diagnosis.

    As far as work goes, I’m self employed, which works really well for me. I get to pick and choose when and where and who I work for. If I feel myself getting burnt out I can take a few days off. I also don’t have to put up with the pointless corporate BS and endless meetings about nothing. Followed by the inevitable getting bullied out.

  • Thanks. I had taken a step back when I started a new job in April but I got a notification about an old thread I'd commented on recently and thought maybe it would be useful to be a bit more involved again. 

    I don't think I have any skills which I could use to be self employed, which is a shame because I definitely think it would suit me. 

  • What about contracting?

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