
For two weeks I've been getting throat, chest and stomach pain. Sometimes, like today, drinking water is painful. There are times lying down and breathing is very painful. Times breathing is laboured.

I've got a GP or healthcare assistant telephone appointment tomorrow so will discuss it then. 

It's been hard living these past few years without much love in my life. I remember up till about the age of 14 there was a decent amount of love in my life, since then it's been a struggle. One I obviously often used rum in large quantities to cope with. I just haven't been able to figure out how to ward away the anxiety and feeling of loneliness.

  • You should go to minor accident or emergency or call 111. I have very little sympathy for you. You been given just as much, no even more support and opportunity than myself and many other people on this forum but you actively keep throwing the help away because you so unwilling to try & put in a little effort. I have read nearly most of your posts since I joined the community page so I haven't made this conclusion hastily and in no way am I trying to be intentional cruel. 

    Its getting really pathetic now and your posts are nothing more than attention seeking. I can understand the struggles that having Autism & ADHD can cause as much as the next person. I am a decade younger than you who was also diagnosed as an adult after being neglected by the education system more the once. I have lived in a damp, poorly insulated caravan for nearly five years being actively toyed with mentally and emotionally by my own family who actively sabotaged me to fail while taken every bit of money from me to pay their utility bills. 

    I have had over 43 full times jobs before the age of 24 where I have either been bullied out of the workplace and managed out. I have experienced everything that could possible go bad in the workplace to me. I have been drugged in the workplace, Poisoned, tied naked to a fence post in the midst of the British winter, stabbed in the workplace with a concoction of animal medication, burned, ran over by a tractor & scapegoated. Your experience compare to this is trivial yet you complain that your struggling when you've basically told the support than many other autistic individuals in a worse place then you are shouting and pleading for.

    I too. have been housed in a really rough area with very little opptunity and services. My downstairs neighbour is selling drugs and keep me up all hours of the night. the smell is worse than the noise. the only different is that i have no one I can turn to and its not my own fault that my stepdad is a narcists and domestically violent and my mother has a personality disorder that basically enabling my step father to physically harm her when she just had major heart surgery. You think your childhood was hell my older step sister sexual assaulted me, my older brother used hurt me and lock me in cupboard for over eight hours while are parents where at work and my biggest brother use to kill my pets for pleasure and stop me accessing food at home. you don't have it rough as you think.

    You expect everyone to cater to you, you narcissistically don't think that you have to put the energy or effort into anything and thing should be handed to you. its not how you human.    

  • I don't really know how to respond to what you have said. Obviously you've had a terrible and traumatic life. I am sad to hear that. I would help you if I could. We all have a different story, I think you are making unfair assumptions about me. 

  • I don't really know how to respond to what you have said. Obviously you've had a terrible and traumatic life. I am sad to hear that. I would help you if I could. We all have a different story, I think you are making unfair assumptions about me. 

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