Being "difficult" at work?

I'm generally pretty decent at my job wherever I work, but there is an aspect of work that always causes me issues.

I pick up on details that people often miss or choose to ignore, in particular when policies are not being followed, which in my job can put people at risk.

When I communicate this to management I am seen as being, "difficult," "abrupt," or "rude," but no-one can ever seem to tell me what I said that was actually rude, as opposed to being not what they wanted to hear, as it causes problems for them to have to solve.

This has been something I have faced for some while in a variety of workplaces.

I wish I could just ignore what I notice, but I literally feel compelled to identify issues once I see them, especially as they could endanger people.

  • Currently signed off and not long til notice period ends after resignation. I was summoned to a meeting but could not attend because I was in the depths of MH crisis at the time, with involvement of 111, GP, and MH nurse. No opportunity to postpone so work went ahead and based decisions on what they had from other people, and I am now facing a disciplinary hearing.

    This feels like retribution now. At most anything I did would warrant a written warning, but I have resigned anyway. It feels like it's punishment for having raised concerns and for the management's faults being identified.

    Getting union involved and will let them deal with it. I am too unwell to do so.

  • I'd been wondering how you were doing and am sorry to hear that things are still difficult for you.

    There seems to be a common theme of this type of situation. Triumph

  • I'd just started to feel a little better. It's set me back to where I was several weeks ago.

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