Being "difficult" at work?

I'm generally pretty decent at my job wherever I work, but there is an aspect of work that always causes me issues.

I pick up on details that people often miss or choose to ignore, in particular when policies are not being followed, which in my job can put people at risk.

When I communicate this to management I am seen as being, "difficult," "abrupt," or "rude," but no-one can ever seem to tell me what I said that was actually rude, as opposed to being not what they wanted to hear, as it causes problems for them to have to solve.

This has been something I have faced for some while in a variety of workplaces.

I wish I could just ignore what I notice, but I literally feel compelled to identify issues once I see them, especially as they could endanger people.

  • Spoke to a GP. Nothing much happening other than increase in medication dosage, plus signing me off so I don't have to work notice in what could be a very damaging situation, and confirmed my referral for ASD assessment has been sent.

    Recommended counselling, but the NHS no longer provides that.

    it's frustrating. To access the services I need to avoid getting to a point where I would be hospitalised / sectioned....I'd have to be hospitalised / sectioned.

    I was recommended a local MH charity, so have contacted them.

  • I'd looked for counselling options after my diagnosis and it seemed to be non-existent (via the NHS at least).

    Hope you feel better being away from that environment.

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