Being "difficult" at work?

I'm generally pretty decent at my job wherever I work, but there is an aspect of work that always causes me issues.

I pick up on details that people often miss or choose to ignore, in particular when policies are not being followed, which in my job can put people at risk.

When I communicate this to management I am seen as being, "difficult," "abrupt," or "rude," but no-one can ever seem to tell me what I said that was actually rude, as opposed to being not what they wanted to hear, as it causes problems for them to have to solve.

This has been something I have faced for some while in a variety of workplaces.

I wish I could just ignore what I notice, but I literally feel compelled to identify issues once I see them, especially as they could endanger people.

  • Knowing when to follow rules and regulations at work and when to ignore them is one of my big weaknesses.

    In 2018 I got a job as a support worker with a centre helping adults with multiple health problems and disabilities.

    At the beginning I was given an employee's handbook with all the rules and regulations.  One rule, written in bold letters and capitals, was that while working we must all wear our photo ID badges clearly visible.  An explanation followed that this was that we could be identified as company employees by:

    • The clients.
    • The clients families
    • Other employees
    • Members of the general public

    One my first day I asked my manager about my ID badge, or lack of it, I was told ' you'll get it eventually in a week or so '. Later I mentioned it to another senior worker and her reaction was as if I had said something really inappropriate.

    Later I realised that no-one in the centre ever wore photo ID badges.

    Yet in other places these regulations are strictly enforced.  At one interview I was photographed at reception and was given a temporary photo ID badge to wear while on the premises.

    I am confused.

  • every place varies on how strict they apply their rules  ---- u just follow everyone else

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