Pet Peeve with Autistic Women

Why do they ALWAYS insist on dying their hair purple, pink, blue or -  worse still the partly-green Billie Eilish look?

Do they want to grow up, or what?

  • They don't ALWAYS insist on dying their hair. Some autistic women do, many don't. Some NT women do, many don't. I started going grey before I reached 16 so I started dying my hair my natural shade of dark brown. I rarely do this anymore, just can't be bothered at my age, but I've never dyed it any other colour. 

  • They don't ALWAYS insist on dying their hair. Some autistic women do, many don't. Some NT women do, many don't. I started going grey before I reached 16 so I started dying my hair my natural shade of dark brown. I rarely do this anymore, just can't be bothered at my age, but I've never dyed it any other colour. 

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