Pet Peeve with Autistic Women

Why do they ALWAYS insist on dying their hair purple, pink, blue or -  worse still the partly-green Billie Eilish look?

Do they want to grow up, or what?

  • I don't think you or I have the right to judge or discriminate against peoples life choices. At the end of the day isn't that something we have to deal with on a daily basis being autistic & non typical. We hate it when people make general assumptions about are mannerisms, behaviour and personality.

    Why does it matter what colour their hair is, it makes them happy and at the end of the day it improves their day and allows them to express themselves.

    we all go through phrases of self discovery and self identity issues, we all develop and mature in different ways and at different rate so stop judging other people and work on yourself. theirs no point in comparing yourself to others, their always someone who better than you. 

  • I don't think you or I have the right to judge or discriminate against peoples life choices. At the end of the day isn't that something we have to deal with on a daily basis being autistic & non typical. We hate it when people make general assumptions about are mannerisms, behaviour and personality.

    Why does it matter what colour their hair is, it makes them happy and at the end of the day it improves their day and allows them to express themselves.

    we all go through phrases of self discovery and self identity issues, we all develop and mature in different ways and at different rate so stop judging other people and work on yourself. theirs no point in comparing yourself to others, their always someone who better than you. 

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