Has anybody had trouble accessing NHS treatment after a private autism diagnosis at Lorna Wing Centre?

Apologies for the long post title.

I'm going to have an assessment at the Lorna Wing Centre, privately funded because my GP says it won't be possible on the NHS.

My GP advised me to check whether I would still be eligible for NHS autism treatment (e.g. therapy) after a private diagnosis.

I asked the LW Centre about this, and they advised me to check with my local service providers.  I'm going to email them now, but I don't know if it will be possible to get a clear answer.  

I was just wondering if anyone else has had a private assessment there, and then had any trouble accessing NHS treatment?  I wouldn't have thought it would be an issue, given the LWC's reputation and the fact that they also accept NHS referrals, but I want to find out if I can.

Thanks in advance.

  • What type of treatment are you hoping to access post-diagnosis? In my experience, there is no post dx treatment or therapies for ASD. If you were talking ADHD I could understand it. I'm awaiting an ADHD assessment myself as my private dx isn't compatible so can't get prescribed ADHD meds on NHS. This is not an issue for ASD. 

  • can i ask what they give you for ADHD because i am thinkin' of getting a diagnosis?  I know you could take meds for ADHD. Maybe your ADHD is particularly severe.

Reply Children
  • thanks for this  Thumbsup

  • Sorry aidie, I only just saw your message. There are various ADHD medications. I copied & pasted this from The NHS site. They are often stimulants, which have the opposite effect on people with ADHD than those without. This is why people frequently self medicate with energy drinks to help themselves focus. I always wondered why I didn't get the buzz or wake up feeling that other people speak of from coffee etc. It was interesting to find out why.

    It is possible to get a private dx of ADHD which involves shared care with your GP. Usually the private practitioner will not sign you over until you are stabilised on meds, so its not just the assessment to pay for. Its follow up & many months of private prescriptions until that happens. Hence its much cheaper via NHS. Its just the wait can be ridiculous.


    There are 5 types of medicine licensed for the treatment of ADHD:

    • methylphenidate
    • lisdexamfetamine
    • dexamfetamine
    • atomoxetine
    • guanfacine