All my posts are being monitored ?

After making a non pc comment i now can't post it adds me to a que then it never gets uploaded.

  • Have you read rule 6? 

    This is a hate-free zone for autistic people, their families and friends, and professionals working in the field. We do not permit sexism, homophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, religious intolerance, transphobia, disability hate speech, hate speech, obscenities or pornography to be posted or linked to here.

    Maybe if you can't adhere to the rules, this place isn't for you.

  • Their is a massive problem with this rule, It is that people take offence at what someone has said without trying to understand why they have gotten to that opinion. Its amplified on this community page because of how some of the individuals lack of ability to empathise unless they have been in that position themselves.   

    example of this happening on the community page are conversation or post involving gender equality, their views of gender reassignment surgery & political matters. 

    half the time those who get offended push someone off this community page because they mis interpreted what they have written instead of allowing them to explain.

    Many things can be considered hate speech. Me saying " I hate SpongeBob" is hate crime against a depiction of a non conforming character who many identify with and can take offence  as an attack on those who identify with sponge bob. the rules have become blurred and to complex to keep up with.    

  • the rules are blurred because we have loud idiots in the world taking hate crime to mean your not allowed to say anything... which isnt how it works (thus the confusion is due to loud people speaking without knowing, and threatening and trying to bend and use the law to bully and arrest people they disagree with kinda like the fascists did).... hate crime doesnt stop any speach at all, hate crime is a motivator label added to a real crime like harrassment or assault. you cannot get people arrested for saying mean words under the hate crime act... it is a motivator to be tagged into a actual crime, meaning the person actually needs to commit a actual crime like assault or harrassment for it toi be a arrestable offence. words are never illegal.... until ofcourse islam becomes majority and brings in solid blashphemy laws, then we shall get words being illegal.... and any freedom at all will also be illegal 

    ofcourse then there is public disorder offence which people also lump in with it to confuse it and say you can be arrested for just words... but public disorder offence was created so the police can arrest you for anything, its a slap on the wrist offence that is only there to give police powers to move people... say... from protests.... to another place out of the way... to control said protest... its a slap on the wrist thing, a bending of the law in order to crowd control but it can be used on anyone, which kinda is its purpose.

  • the rules are blurred because we have loud idiots in the world taking hate crime to mean your not allowed to say anything... which isnt how it works (thus the confusion is due to loud people speaking without knowing, and threatening and trying to bend and use the law to bully and arrest people they disagree with kinda like the fascists did).... hate crime doesnt stop any speach at all, hate crime is a motivator label added to a real crime like harrassment or assault. you cannot get people arrested for saying mean words under the hate crime act... it is a motivator to be tagged into a actual crime, meaning the person actually needs to commit a actual crime like assault or harrassment for it toi be a arrestable offence. words are never illegal.... until ofcourse islam becomes majority and brings in solid blashphemy laws, then we shall get words being illegal.... and any freedom at all will also be illegal 

    ofcourse then there is public disorder offence which people also lump in with it to confuse it and say you can be arrested for just words... but public disorder offence was created so the police can arrest you for anything, its a slap on the wrist offence that is only there to give police powers to move people... say... from protests.... to another place out of the way... to control said protest... its a slap on the wrist thing, a bending of the law in order to crowd control but it can be used on anyone, which kinda is its purpose.

  • you cannot get people arrested for saying mean words under the hate crime act... it is a motivator to be tagged into a actual crime, meaning the person actually needs to commit a actual crime like assault or harrassment for it toi be a arrestable offence. words are never illegal

    You are, as I've tried to explain once before, incorrect. Hate speech *IS* classed as a hate crime and *IS* punishable by law in and of itself! A man tweeted "The only good British soldier is a dead one", in response to Captain Tom's death. He's been arrested and charged with a hate crime and is awaiting trial. He didn't physically assault Captain Tom, he merely voiced his hateful opinion.

    HATE SPEECH laws in England and Wales are found in several statutes. EXPRESSIONS of HATRED toward someone on account of that person's colour, race, disability, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic or national origin, religion, gender reassignment, or sexual orientation is forbidden. ANY COMMUNICATION which is threatening or ABUSIVE, and is intended to harass, alarm, or distress someone is forbidden. The penalties for hate speech include FINES, IMPRISONMENT OR BOTH.

    The CPS explains it here: