All my posts are being monitored ?

After making a non pc comment i now can't post it adds me to a que then it never gets uploaded.

  • Not aimed at the OP but anyone in general...I did a counselling course a few years ago and we learned about communication and listening.  The idea being that, it's not the intention of the message, but how it's received which is more significant. One could mean well, but if the other person gets doesnt necessarily mean its one's  fault but i think it should be up to one to apologise. This is no fault of anyone's. You can't always say something and know how the other person will react but quite often you can have a pretty good guess depending on what is bring said.. And this doesn't mean you can devoid yourself of all responsibility and blame it on how the other person interpreted it. (Just to say, I am not directing this at any specific person).

    I've learned this and it's helped with my partner if I said or did something uninteionally offensive. It's not about getting defensive but apologising and taking other people's feelings into account.  

    I do think some people can use "autistic bluntness" as an excuse. 

  • So not what you say but how you say it more beating around the bush sounds like the type of people most of you are in this thread hate any sort of confrontation or discomfort in a social disagreement. But let's allow censorship to whoever is offended because that's an amazing way to progress in society.

  • Definitely not. I'd rather people be straight up. But in a respectful way. I have to teach my foreign students about British Vales....we have freedom of speech but this has to be within the rule of law. We talk about respect and tolerance for other people regardless of our differences. I don't have a problem with disagreement and discussion as long as it is done thoughtfully and is coherent. We have forum rules to keep each other safe. They need to be respected.

    As for forums, these give individual's chance to pause and think "is this respectful?" before pressing send. I feel quite a lot of posts lately are very reactionary without being carefully read and checked. Some of them indeed seem to waffle on. I have posted several times and had replies but the specific content of my comments ignored. This is something I get frustrated about myself as I carefully consider what the other person has said and try to respond appropriately. But that is measuring expectation of other people against my own behaviour.

  • british values and culture is quite possibly very different to what the classic stereotype is now. i find we have degraded somewhat, chav culture being one massive example of degradation. our manners died and we became a more barbaric violent society.

  • british values and culture is quite possibly very different to what the classic stereotype is now. i find we have degraded somewhat, chav culture being one massive example of degradation. our manners died and we became a more barbaric violent society.

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