Is Autism 'a man's world'?

Please know that I'm not writing this to be deliberately inflammatory or provocative, or to have a go at anyone here, but I just feel so isolated as an Autistic woman. Most other Autistic people I've engaged with are men, and seem to have quite a different presentation and outlook on life to me. They are often very blunt, whereas I'm not. When I get emotional, they don't seem to understand - I've been accused of 'emotionally exploding', for example, simply for expressing that I felt uncomfortable with a conversation. It's more than that, though, to be honest I'm finding it quite hard to explain in logical terms...I just don't feel I fit in in the Autism world or the neurotypical world, and I'm wondering if this is because I'm female. Does anyone else feel this way?

  • hmmm internet and real life are different though.
    the people talking online would probably be the people who dont say a word in real life. typing and writing is a more direct passage to a persons thoughts and brain without the barrier of vocalisation to hold them back. and most autisits would be very held back vocally and thus wont say much irl, and so in that case in person you would probably get along with them more than NTs in person. as in person the NT is more likely to say or do stuff you wont like while the autist would be more quiet and none vocal. so youd get along with everyone more in person.

    and generally the autist type is usually the type that gets banned and censored from all other social media and platforms for being that blunt and putting facts above feelings or simply not knowing how the facts could hurt peoples feelings. 

    as for emotionally exploding, males do that too, but males generally have to mask that or change it into something cooler, as showing any emotion to a man is weak and soft, unless its anger, thats totally ok and cool so long as it doesnt skew your logic and bork your argument then its uncool. emotionally males have to appear to be more stoic. but we do feel lotta emotion and do flip and throw things and go out of control, just we do that unseen out of sight from others. alpha wolf that shows weakness of any kind will be ripped to shreds by the betas who all want to get ahead of him and be the new alpha.

  • as showing any emotion to a man is weak and soft, unless its anger, thats totally ok and cool so long as it doesnt skew your logic and bork your argument then its uncool. emotionally males have to appear to be more stoic. but we do feel lotta emotion and do flip and throw things and go out of control, just we do that unseen out of sight from others. alpha wolf that shows weakness of any kind will be ripped to shreds by the betas who all want to get ahead of him and be the new alpha

    No, strange and outdated thus. Amongst other things, as all your posts indicate. You're living in the 1950's.

  • or im just a normal honest person who had enough time to think on actions and why we are the way we are naturally. ofcourse most of my findings may not be too real worldy as i dont have much of a life, so most of them based on school age kids.... do you think a school boy in high school wants to be seen breaking down crying in school? what do you think that would do to his reputation? it would cause more bullying and mockery yes? 

    now it may not be as applicable outside in the real world, because adults then perhaps learn to use fake crying to get their way at the stage of adult and dont care no longer for their image or reputation and crying thus gets them sympathy votes and anything they want and thus as a adult perhaps it is better to break down crying because you then instead get love and effection and whatever you wanted on a silver plate. but yeah for those that never truly got on in life their mind would still be like mine.... or perhaps for any man that has any form of pride or dignity too they wouldnt want to be seen breaking down crying. but then again you can say its outdated as people have taken and misappropriated pride to be meaningless now and so theres now no meaning behind the word pride because those who actually have shame in who they are have overly used it in false manner and thus killed the meaning. but generally its a physcological thing and the way the mind works can never be outdated. a crying man will always be seen as lesser by society, both now, in the past, and even in the future. another word for that would be pathetic, when you see something crying, thats pathetic, by the very definition.

    also stoicism is kinda coming back, with how bad and depressing the world is getting, stoic ideas are coming back full force, and that is probably one part of this old fashioned mindset, all mindsets are old fashioned, the human mind has worked the same way since the dawn of humanity and only great thinkers and philosophers ever put names and ideas to these things.

  • aye but its usually done behind their backs in a back stabby way from what i gather. like how they all treat each other kind and lving to their faces and talk and get along, but then when they leave they immediately beging gossiping and slandering each other behind their backs. they never hear about it aside from when the person gossiped to spreads it to another person and it eventually makes its way back around to the subject of the gossip and then causes a fall out, which generally ends and they make friends as if nothing happened and talk again while again gossiping behind one anothers back and repeating the same thing over again and again.

    where as with men we just openly say *** to each others faces and cut the kind face crap part out.

  • the mans world is different and more uncaring to the womans world.

    Women can be horrendous towards each other

  • I cannot believe how offensive you people are. The fact that you haven't been banned is beyond me. Your views are your views and you're entitled to them, but the forum is not for this kind of talk; it's to support people with Autism and those who care for them, not to mudsling about political views and get personal/insulting. SMH.

  • aye a brick wall, a written hard drive data disk that isnt open to anything. which kinda even shows how she keeps leaving and turning off notifications lol

    although i still believe in human curiosity and that shed be reading despite saying that, because everyone is curious enough to always wanna know whats said after they "leave" lol

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  • doesnt all great thinkers have strange ideas? .... one wouldnt be a deep thinker at all if ones ideas were not strange.... if your ideas were not strange they would be cookie cutter and same as everyone elses. not only that my ideas are rather fluid rather than set which makes it hard for people to understand me or even keep up. but then again i suppose you also find it strange that a persons ideas can change based on information they receive for youd be the type to be a brick wall i guess and closed to reasoning or thought or acceptance that some other info is more valid than the one you previously had in your head. of which is why you cant understand even my stance that seems to be one of conceding ground before hand by my saying my ideas are that which have little outside life experience which puts me on a fluid stance of thought and conversation of which you dont even seem to understand is advantageous in fluidity and thought. i am the think tank, where as you are more the saved and locked hardrive database that cannot be tampered with.

    and yet again you still havent really said why anything i have said is flawed.... it is basic pshycology and how the mind works.... but perhaps if your female you wont understand the mind of a man and this is indeed mainly about the psychology of a mans mind and our social position that otherwise doesnt allow for any displays of emotion at all, of which if a man is to display emotion generally theyd be ripped apart by society, of which is contrary to a woman i guess in which a woman is protected in society and thus any display of emotion gets them more care and attention. infact when i think on it, everytime i have ever shown any signs that i even may apear to be crying, i have always been mocked for it personally... even when i wasnt crying.... even when you get slightly wet eyes due to the winter wind outside that looks like your eyes are teary i got mocked for that one time and laughed at by some prat who claimed i was crying hen i wasnt. the mans world is different and more uncaring to the womans world.

  • Yet more strange ideas with no link to the real world. As you've admitted, you have no idea, so calling people "fake" is simply insulting, because you've nothing better to aim at them. 

    And you're not seriously calling yourself a great thinker or philosopher, are you!?? As I said, very strange ideas. 

    I'll leave you with your delusions of grandeur and will remove notifications for this thread. It's become too ridiculous.

    (I can see why you have at least one fan here, you both have the same high opinions of yourselves! Lol!). 

  • Marcus Aurelis rules ok

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