Is Autism 'a man's world'?

Please know that I'm not writing this to be deliberately inflammatory or provocative, or to have a go at anyone here, but I just feel so isolated as an Autistic woman. Most other Autistic people I've engaged with are men, and seem to have quite a different presentation and outlook on life to me. They are often very blunt, whereas I'm not. When I get emotional, they don't seem to understand - I've been accused of 'emotionally exploding', for example, simply for expressing that I felt uncomfortable with a conversation. It's more than that, though, to be honest I'm finding it quite hard to explain in logical terms...I just don't feel I fit in in the Autism world or the neurotypical world, and I'm wondering if this is because I'm female. Does anyone else feel this way?

  • Honestly I am starting to get annoyed with the gender politics, especially around gendered specific autism. Its been found that women don't have a more feminine profile of autism and what was believed to be female specific autism is just another presentation that can occur in both men and women but happens to be more appear in more women. 

    I understand where your coming from too but I am male and have similar issues to what you have written. Their is significant more female representation in adults then their is currently men. I feel that I am on the on the edge between functional and non functional and don't fit it to the typical autism stereo type either sometimes because i am male and mask and camouflage my autism traits but i also happen to have ADHD as well and that sometimes that comorbidity makes my experiences extremely different to others on the autism spectrum.  

    There are Youtubers Like Yo samdy sam & Purple Ella who have are both female but represent two very different experiences of having autism. Yo samdy sam is the more gifted and talented with a what was known as the feminine profile of autism and Purple ella who I find more relatable too because she is a Nuero divergent queen with both Autism, ADHD and other additional issues.

    What i am getting at is there are small groups of sub types of people on the spectrum who will be similar but not exactly the same and you have to hunt them down and find them. I know it not that easy but they are out their and can find them if you want to but once you do you basically gained amazing friend or friends for life. Not all autistic people are them same. This forum is great example of this as there are hundred of different sub types of autistic individual that use this forum. 

  • I'll shut up then. Goodbye.

  • dont leave Alison Disappointed  i think u misunderstood

  • You will call me out if I write something hurtful or negatively, i know in the past i have been quite horrid to parents on this site because of my own issues.

  • no not really.

    i am dyslexic and i can read things wrong so maybe that happened for her.

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