There is no future in loving an old man

I love a woman who is 26 years old; I am 61 years old.

I would give all I have to quench this fire that burns within my ***--- to douse the flame, even if I must sink into a sea of loneliness; to rip out whatever part of me that first kindled this hopeless and foolish conflagration; to end the gasps of pain with each grieving breath I take; to smother this unwelcome blaze that no torrent can reach.

My love of her grasped me like a mugger who took everything I had, leaving me naked and unsheltered in this wasteland of despair. This scorching love has left dust in my mouth, as my love for her must remain unspoken. This desire happened to me undesired, like a bolt of lightning setting my house on fire. The searing agony of being too old sends waves of pain down my arms and to my finger tips. I am the victim of Cupid, as most old fools are.

I long for the furnace of her kisses--- willing to be branded, claimed and marked. I ache to float upon the wind of her perfect voice, and never again feel the ground under my feet.

Oh, to be young! I would be in Stockholm now, begging her to share with me the light in her eyes, and to see requited love burn within her. For such a priceless gift I would risk everything and anything, even if she were to tell me "No."

  • Hello, David. There is no future. Period. Only the one we create in our mind. And it's rarely a happy one. Have you ever come across the acceptable age calculation? Allegedly, by dividing one's own age in half, and then adding 7 to that number, one wind's up with the acceptable minimum age for the subject of one's romantic attention.  

  • Have you ever come across the acceptable age calculation? Allegedly, by dividing one's own age in half, and then adding 7 to that number, one wind's up with the acceptable minimum age for the subject of one's romantic attention.  

    Yes - that comes from the Islamic faith.

    It's very sensible - the logic is that it takes a few extra years for a man have his life on track, earning good money, house, lifestyle etc. but the wife will be in her prime to add to the partnership - so will be significantly younger.

    30-year old man = 22 year old wife

    50 year old man, 32 year old wife.

  • es - that comes from the Islamic faith.

    It's very sensible - the logic is that it takes a few extra years for a man have his life on track, earning good money, house, lifestyle etc. but the wife will be in her prime to add to the partnership - so will be significantly younger.

    30-year old man = 22 year old wife

    50 year old man, 32 year old wife.

    That age difference sounds evil to me (religion, such as Islam, makes people evil). Women are not property; women are not commodities that are bought and sold via algorithms;  women  must marry / live with people their own age, as doing so evens power and makes the relationship more equal.

    Having a fifty-year-old man marry a thirty-two-year-old woman is evil, as it shackles a young woman to an old man. It is *NOT* "very sensible:" it is a crime against the woman.

  • Different countries have different laws about people living together and their children's rights after them splitting up.   

    There's an interesting / scary new trend in the US - if a random bloke happens to just look after a woman's kids for an hour to help out - without payment for services - he can then be sued as if he was the father for child support payments until the kids turn 18 - crazy, huh?

    It's claimed he assumed full parental responsibility as an unpaid sitter.

  • Golly, I have no idea at all why some people get married. My woman friend in Stockholm noted that people there have children and they are not married-- and parents are legally bonded to their children.

    The data I have found only relates to USA citizens, as I do not know any other language than English.

  • Why bring children into the equation?

    Isn't that really the only point of marriage - to provide a legal framework to protect the interests of the children in the event of marriage breakdown?

  • Ah, women are not such weaklings as you suggested they are. I

    I've never once said they are weak - I'm suggesting that strong, independent women tend to put their friends off any bloke that comes along - hence keeping them all single.

  • If his age provides a good bank balance and a stable home, surely that's good for a young woman bringing up kids?

    Why bring children into the equation? I consider romance and marriage to be a partnership, with all participants being equal partners, and that requires equal ages: it is evil to have a young woman care for an ancient old man, when she could rather be living the life of a young woman.

    I exclude love as a reason to marry.

  • There is a well-known phrase - single women keep women single.- it's a dating disaster - going to be many lonely people in a few years.

    Ah, women are not such weaklings as you suggested they are. It is healthy for women to remain single, and that is not a "dating disaster." (And a "disaster" for whom?)

    As fore lonely people, the planet is crammed full of them already: many tens of millions of people no one wanted in their lives. This has always been the human condition.

  • Ah, I know and I have known many 30+ women who have children and skipped the marriage part.

    I agree with you that "looks" (physical attraction) is the chief trait women and girls look for--- the professional literature notes this fact. Ugly people like me are not considered. I do not blame anyone for that behavior--- it is hard-wired. Of course men also choose mates by how they look, then by personality traits.

  • What do you consider to be an old man?   If they are busy having a bunch of kids after marriage, surely she's not going to be going out clubbing anyway?

    If his age provides a good bank balance and a stable home, surely that's good for a young woman bringing up kids?

  • You're looking at it mathematically, not socially.

    I am looking at it from the point of view of the young woman. It is not fair to women to marry a significantly older man or woman: it robs them of years they could have spent living energetic, active lives. A young woman would be stuck with caring for an old man, and that is not fair.

  • That's because of the lies they're told all through their lives - mostly by other women - told they can put things off - enjoy themselves - don't think about settling down until 35 - it's all false and their fundamental body clock sets its own rules.

    There is a well-known phrase - single women keep women single.- it's a dating disaster - going to be many lonely people in a few years.

  • on these dating sites i see plenty of like, 30 plus year old women who say they want child.... but yet they are still so very fussy that they will never get a partner, plus they are pretty much too old in their 30s for child anyway. this just shows that fussy women who wants child will forever be alone and never have child she desires and be full of regret in her mid life. women want perfect person without even trying to get to know the person to be able to judge if they are perfect or not, they think they can judge and see perfection just from a picture of them.

  • You're looking at it mathematically, not socially.

    The premise is that once a man gets his life together - a worthy man - then he becomes eligible for marriage - he will normally be snapped up before 35.

    If a man is not a worthy catch, he will be left on the shelf - and a young male with nothing is not worth bothering with until he sorts his life out..

    From a female point of view, they are in their prime in early 20s - if they wait to 35, they are less fertile and it becomes high-risk pregnancy territory.

    There's a saying - Women want men with a great future - Men want women with no past.  Smiley

  • You're looking at it mathematically, not socially.

    The premise is that once a man gets his life together - a worthy man - then he becomes eligible for marriage - he will normally be snapped up before 35.

    If a man is not a worthy catch, he will be left on the shelf - and a young male with nothing is not worth bothering with until he sorts his life out..

    From a female point of view, they are in their prime in early 20s - if they wait to 35, they are less fertile and it becomes high-risk pregnancy territory.

    There's a saying - Women want men with a great future - Men want women with no past.  Smiley

  • Different countries have different laws about people living together and their children's rights after them splitting up.   

    There's an interesting / scary new trend in the US - if a random bloke happens to just look after a woman's kids for an hour to help out - without payment for services - he can then be sued as if he was the father for child support payments until the kids turn 18 - crazy, huh?

    It's claimed he assumed full parental responsibility as an unpaid sitter.

  • Golly, I have no idea at all why some people get married. My woman friend in Stockholm noted that people there have children and they are not married-- and parents are legally bonded to their children.

    The data I have found only relates to USA citizens, as I do not know any other language than English.

  • Why bring children into the equation?

    Isn't that really the only point of marriage - to provide a legal framework to protect the interests of the children in the event of marriage breakdown?

  • Ah, women are not such weaklings as you suggested they are. I

    I've never once said they are weak - I'm suggesting that strong, independent women tend to put their friends off any bloke that comes along - hence keeping them all single.

  • If his age provides a good bank balance and a stable home, surely that's good for a young woman bringing up kids?

    Why bring children into the equation? I consider romance and marriage to be a partnership, with all participants being equal partners, and that requires equal ages: it is evil to have a young woman care for an ancient old man, when she could rather be living the life of a young woman.

    I exclude love as a reason to marry.

  • There is a well-known phrase - single women keep women single.- it's a dating disaster - going to be many lonely people in a few years.

    Ah, women are not such weaklings as you suggested they are. It is healthy for women to remain single, and that is not a "dating disaster." (And a "disaster" for whom?)

    As fore lonely people, the planet is crammed full of them already: many tens of millions of people no one wanted in their lives. This has always been the human condition.

  • Ah, I know and I have known many 30+ women who have children and skipped the marriage part.

    I agree with you that "looks" (physical attraction) is the chief trait women and girls look for--- the professional literature notes this fact. Ugly people like me are not considered. I do not blame anyone for that behavior--- it is hard-wired. Of course men also choose mates by how they look, then by personality traits.

  • What do you consider to be an old man?   If they are busy having a bunch of kids after marriage, surely she's not going to be going out clubbing anyway?

    If his age provides a good bank balance and a stable home, surely that's good for a young woman bringing up kids?

  • You're looking at it mathematically, not socially.

    I am looking at it from the point of view of the young woman. It is not fair to women to marry a significantly older man or woman: it robs them of years they could have spent living energetic, active lives. A young woman would be stuck with caring for an old man, and that is not fair.

  • That's because of the lies they're told all through their lives - mostly by other women - told they can put things off - enjoy themselves - don't think about settling down until 35 - it's all false and their fundamental body clock sets its own rules.

    There is a well-known phrase - single women keep women single.- it's a dating disaster - going to be many lonely people in a few years.

  • on these dating sites i see plenty of like, 30 plus year old women who say they want child.... but yet they are still so very fussy that they will never get a partner, plus they are pretty much too old in their 30s for child anyway. this just shows that fussy women who wants child will forever be alone and never have child she desires and be full of regret in her mid life. women want perfect person without even trying to get to know the person to be able to judge if they are perfect or not, they think they can judge and see perfection just from a picture of them.