marriage and relationships

I have been on the forum for a couple of years and noticed the majority of posters seem to be married or in a relationship .This may be a sweeping statement and may not be true.

What Is baffling is how people ever marry or live with someone with a diagnosis of a spectrum disorder . The discussions I had with my psychotherapist helped me realise why I am single ,

I could not compromise my routine as it helps me through the day . 

  • I mean there is an easy way to answer the question about how many people here re actually married

  • so it seems the younger gens get married while around 30 and above never got married as perhaps the support just wasnt there at that time. this data probably shows the difference in generational support. no support older gens, no marriage and probably no social life at all.... younger gens with support, marriage and probably a social life. rather split in the age 30 to 39 gen though. of which when the 16 to 29s get older that will show difference more.

  • Why is it C that whenever I read one of your posts I understand less at the end of reading it than at the beginning? And the more times I read it, the less I understand than the first time...Thinking

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