
Hi there, 

Has anyone found youre a bit left out as an adult with training and courses etc? I can’t face having to do an assessment in person talking for 2 hours presentation type thing, but can’t get funding to do a work course without the assessment meaning a lot of cost to me. Work will only do an apprenticeship. It’s like your now an adult so you don’t qualify for anything. Just seems to be a black hole for this situation, or has anyone found something that helps? 

  • Adulting can sometimes feel like navigating a maze, especially when it comes to career development. I faced a similar dilemma a while back. Feeling left out and stuck between limited options can be frustrating.But here's a glimmer of hope: I stumbled upon HRDF claimable courses. They provided a pathway for me to upskill and explore new opportunities without the pressure of daunting assessments. These courses allowed me to learn at my own pace, in a way that suited my needs and comfort level.

  • The national careers service has a list of free courses.

    Also look at Openlearn and Futurelearn, most of these are online.

  • Same, i couldn’t pass a driving test or assssment and it gets worse as it goes along. Not sure NTs really understand that.

  • There an online version that just has written assessments but it’s about 2k. Just finding it frustrating there doesn’t seem to be support for us to have the same opportunity if we do find things harder than a non asd individual. 

  • I am the opposite - observation fills me with dread as I seem to struggle to know how best to mask and I just end up really flustered and ill. 

  • I chose a route that had no tests or exams, and just had observations, which I was fine with.

  • I find that works, if I practice then it normally goes OK, it's the small talk that completely throws me, can't do it at all.

    I even took a post as an instructor before I found I was Autistic because i knew my social skills were rubbish and I thought that standing up in front of people would give me those skills but it is completely different when delivery a lesson it is almost like acting.

  • sorry i am just as bad as you presentations are a nightmare for me ---- the way i cope is to practise them over and  over multiple days  then i seem is feel a bit better about them

  • Yes I have aspergers, so the thought for me of presenting to someone I don’t know with a jumbled set of thoughts is just yuk! 

  • is this because you are autisitc ?