Autism Stole my Life

By the time I was 13 years old I knew that I would forever be alone--- no spouse, no "girlfriends," no hope for romance, and no hope for love. This was obvious because I knew I was the only orange monkey in the monkey cage, and I was brutalized because I was (and am) "strange."

If I were capable of feeling hate I would write "I hate being autistic."

I do, however, utterly detest being autistic: autism has robbed me of my life. Autism took from me the chance of finding a woman who found me worthy of standing by her side, as two equal partners. What autism left for me in exchange was 61 years of a loneliness so suffocating, so ravenous, so crushing of spirit that I longed for death --- only my brother's compassion stayed my hand.

I loathe my inability speak nouns and pronouns when I am talking with people face to face: the Anomic Aphasia kicks in and I struggle to say the names of objects (that includes humans) , nor the names of places. My mind knows the word but I cannot speak it: try having a successful job interview when the evaluator believes you are on drugs--- I sound like I am choking because I am.

I abhor my inability to remember something that I heard mere seconds ago.

I deplore the way I rock side to side when I sit; rock on my feet side to side when standing in line at the grocery store; spinning on my heals to release some of the anxiety I collect when I am among the humans.

A few days ago (Monday June 14, 2021) my councilor (via telephone) told me that I "still have around twenty years left; there is still time to find love." I shivered with dread. I do not want to live another twenty years with painful eyes because I am required to look at people's eyes (it is agony for me). Twenty more years of strangers insisting that I must "shake hands." Twenty more years of strangers calling me by my first name--- as if we were already intimate.

Twenty more years of being macerated in the vicious jaws of loneliness.

It is a wonder that I have not been driven insane. Yet.

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  • Greetings yet again. You are of course right--- I do not wish to be mercantile. I do not know of a way to get a copy to you for free. The title is DESERT SOLILOQUY: A PERFECTLY SANE MISANTHROPE HIDES IN THE DESERT. Several professionals have praised the memoir, and called it "unique." You might like to read the reviews on amazon. com

    As for working together, I would not take your money because I am not in the business. But if you would like me to give me two sample chapters (the first and the second) somehow, I will give to you my brutal, blunt, naked, raw opinions and and state exactly what is right and what is wrong. You might wish to set me on fire after you see my critique.

    I do not know how to exchange email addresses.