Need opinions.

Hi so I was wondering about whether I should start a blog about autism and trying to raise awareness. It's mainly to help me process but it would be nice for people to read it and make a bit of profit perhaps. 

However, the main question is would this be something people would be interested in reading? I want your opinions and any ideas (stuff you would read about).

Thanks guys!

  • If you're feeling compelled to write, I say go for it, especially if it's for you and will help you process. It sounds like a great idea.

    When it comes to a successful blog from a numbers and ads point of view, Peter and Shy David's comments here match mine. The key would be finding something that makes you uniquely you AND that you're happy to share via blogs.. and also that people want to read about. It's hard to guess exactly what will be successful until you try it out, though. You don't need to copy what currently works in order to find something that works.

    Circling back around to what I said in the beginning - people who write for the joy of it or for themselves are often the ones whose writing I am draw to the most. You can tell when things are created for likes or money - it lacks something... it's like it lacks soul. So, focusing on writing for your own benefit is such a great thing in itself.

  • I think I'm going to go for it. Even if it's just for my own sanity Joy

  • I think I'm going to go for it. Even if it's just for my own sanity

    Sanity is over-rated. :-) In my experience it is sometimes good to write while in a wailing psychosis. :-)

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