Need opinions.

Hi so I was wondering about whether I should start a blog about autism and trying to raise awareness. It's mainly to help me process but it would be nice for people to read it and make a bit of profit perhaps. 

However, the main question is would this be something people would be interested in reading? I want your opinions and any ideas (stuff you would read about).

Thanks guys!

  • Only a small minority of blogs are interesting to read and read by more than a few. Sometimes it’s because the writer lives a very interesting life or is willing to talk about aspects of life people usually don’t, like their sex life. But for others it is the wit and entertainment of the writing style that makes the blog entertaining.

    writing to get a better understanding of oneself is a great idea. But don’t be disappointed if no one reads it unless your subject matter is very exciting or you’re a very talented writer.

  • Only a small minority of blogs are interesting to read and read by more than a few. Sometimes it’s because the writer lives a very interesting life or is willing to talk about aspects of life people usually don’t, like their sex life. But for others it is the wit and entertainment of the writing style that makes the blog entertaining.

    writing to get a better understanding of oneself is a great idea. But don’t be disappointed if no one reads it unless your subject matter is very exciting or you’re a very talented writer.
